View Full Version : induction scheduled for next week, any btdt advice?

01-19-2007, 02:51 PM
Okay, so at my appt. yesterday the m/w offered me an induction for next week. We are scheduled for Wednesday a.m. but I could possibly go in Monday morning if a bed opens up (fully booked right now). I totally jumped on it because I'm so over being pregnant, have a pinched nerve in my right hip that is killing me virtually all the time, and well, it is nice to know I only have X more days until baby arrives. I am already in a very favorable situation, 3-4 cm dilated, 75% effaced, baby hasn't dropped yet (-2) but she could easily feel his head. My due date is Sunday or Monday, so I'm full-term (no question on dates). I will be induced with pitocin and once my ctx are regular they can remove it and let me continue naturally. The m/w prefers this since we can stop it at any time as opposed to breaking the water which puts you in a time crunch. I don't have any medical issues right now other than some proteins in my urine at this last visit, but bp was still great and no swelling. DD was 5 days late.
Any advice? I'm so nervous about the whole thing- which I would be either way (natural or induced). I am just wondering if I'm jumping the gun or not. The m/w knows I am hoping to not have an epidural this time around, although I'm not dead set against it, I just think I can do it when I look back on my experience with DD.
I wish I had a crystal ball!!

01-19-2007, 03:11 PM
If you're hoping to go unmedicated, I wouldn't induce esp. considering how far along you are already. If you want to try to jumpstart labor, I'd try the more natural methods, i.e. walking, taking stairs, etc.

You're so close! Enjoy your last few days with only dd. :)

ETA: Pitocin-induced labor is far more painful than natural labor. I'd do all in my power to avoid it and wouldn't give medical staff leeway in using it unless it was *truly* medically necessary.


I love them most when they are sleeping.--Me

01-19-2007, 03:25 PM
I've been walking stairs (holding 25 lb. DD!) for months. Cleaning, squatting, all that. I am just so tired of being pg, in pain, and done with it! I just can't decide what to do. I had pitocin last time and went from 7-10 in 45 minutes, so I know it will do something. And the m/w said I don't have to stay on it once I start contracting nor do I have to stay in bed- they have portable monitoring at the hospital.
I guess I am just so impatient at this point!

01-19-2007, 03:27 PM
margaret, this is so exciting! try to focus on your excitement and not your fear, ok?!!

my labor was technically "augmented" and not induced but i have experience with the pitocin and all that. my best advice to you is tell them to work it up slowly. when they crank that stuff you can have the ctx doubling on you....since you just want to get yourself into a labor pattern and then stop the pitocin, i'm sure they'll not do that to you, but be aware that your nurse may not be familiar with a "gentle" induction.....

use gravity! i loved the birthing ball...love love loved it.....if they have a portable monitor or will let you get away with intermittent monitoring, i would stand/walk through early labor as much as you can get away with. i'm sure this is all stuff you already know....

i'm so excited for you...sending prayers for a wonderful birth experience!!!

01-19-2007, 03:31 PM
I would probably also be reluctant to induce if you want an unmedicated birth. You are so, so close already that you may wind up inducing like 12 hours before you would have gone into labor naturally. :)

I do think it is great that your mw is on a good page with induction methodology as me. Pitocin that can be on board to get things going then turn it off and let your body take over. No AROM as that cushion is valuable to you and baby (and can help keep the contx from being as painful). SOme care providers would go with AROM on a 3-4cm 2nd time mom but it always seems like a tricky proposition to me. If you don't progress within X time they may use pitocin anyway.

As for my thoughts on not inducing if you want an unmedicated birth; how low tech are they willing to keep everything else? You'll almost certainly have continuous monitoring. Are they willing to hook you while you are on the birth ball, rocking chair or wherever else you are comfortable? Even if they agree to that there is a chance someone is going to say that you moving around is messing up the trace and you need to get back in bed. It's a lot harder to cope with contx (imo) in bed unless you have mastered something like Bradley or Hypnobirthing.

Also, with an IV you may feel more restricted and depending on where you are they may restrict you more. Like, will you be able to use the shower or tub with it in place? You should be able to but I would ask.

Final thought is that pitocin will never be able to mirror what your natural contractions would be like. Your body may naturally want ones that last X time and come at X intervals. Depending on the care providers they can get all picky about progress simply based on those numbers and crank the pitocin to achieve certain results. It doesn't sound like your mw would do that though. :)

But, there are plenty of women who get induced and don't have pain meds *by choice.* The key seems to be to be able to move around, hang on to that amniotic sac, have some food/ drink and go slow! There is nothing wrong with slow and steady. Just because things can get rushed along (crank the pit, AROM) doesn't mean they should be. Things may go fast naturally- an induction may be more of an augmentation and your body could just take off. Be prepared for slow (or failed) as well as really fast.

Why not get a massage this weeked or a chiropractic adjustment? Either may push you into labor and at least they could help your hip. :)

Remember, 2nd babies don't tend to drop till you are well into labor or even pushing so your stats look good.

I'd wait. And, it could be a moot point as you really could go into labor soon. You are ready but you need that final piece of the puzzle, baby. Maybe she just isn't ready. She will be soon though!!

who went 14 days past EDD before going into labor naturally so really does understand the frustration about being late...and researched inductions to death b/c of it. :)

01-19-2007, 03:38 PM
I would avoid the induction if you don't want an epidural - you will have to be monitored constantly and the contractions are much worse.

For the hip pain - have you seen a physical therapist? I had really bad pain with DS1 and after just one visit with the PT I went from not walking at all to being mostly pain free. It may be hard to get in on such late notice, but worth a try.

01-19-2007, 03:42 PM
I understand! The last few weeks seem to last 40. :) Do you have anyone who can come over to watch dd while you rest a bit? Have you seen a chiro for the pain?

I understand you're ready to be done. Induction was just never something I even considered to be available unless it was truly necessary. From what it did to you, it may be worth it to let them use it on you. It most definitely didn't work that quickly on me so I'm coming from a different mindset altogether. Sorry I couldn't help more. Regardless, your pg *will* be over soon. Take refuge in that fact.

Many hugs to you!


I love them most when they are sleeping.--Me

01-19-2007, 04:09 PM
ITA that you might want to see a chiro or PT before doing an induction. I am a PT so a big believer in that. During my last pregnancy I actually went to a chiro at the end of my pregnancy as it seemed like DD was possibly posterior and I wanted someone to do Webster stuff for me. It also helped me w/ some sacroiliac (what a lot of people call hip pain) pain I was having as well. Sometimes baby can't descend well or get into a good position if your ligaments and muscles are being affected by an imbalance. If there's any chance baby is posterior that can also cause you to have more back/hip pain. So fixing one issue can fix several, kwim?

As far as Pit vs. AROM, I'd avoid AROM if at all possible. Again, if baby is posterior or not in a great position quite yet, rupturing membranes can eliminate the extra cushion baby needs to turn the right way to get labor going. Pitocin can also be not so good for a bearposterior baby. Not sure if your babe is posterior or not, but it is something to consider (and even the best MW can't always say for sure). Spinningbabies has some info on pit and AROM and how they can affect labor w/ a posterior baby.

Since you are asking for advice, yeah, I think you might be better off waiting it out if you can tolerate it. TAcupuncture can trigger labor as can moxibustion. It might also help your hip pain even if it doesn't trigger labor. If you are really favorable, those things might be enough to more gently push you into labor. ITA w/ the PPs that if you really want to go without meds, skipping the induction may be really really helpful, especially since you don't have any major medical reasons right now. Obviously a personal decision, and I know how you reach a point where you feel very "done" with being pg.

I used Hypnobirthing/Hypnobabies with my 2 births. The only "pain" I had with DS's birth was primarily when I had to be in bed w/ monitoring. The nursing staff was NOT happy about having to hook me up so I could sit on the ball, kneel, etc. but my doula advocated for me w/ that. If I had to actually *stay* in bed, I'm not sure I could have made it. It was totally different in and out of bed. As long as I could move, the contractions were basically just like cramps, but in bed, they were much more intense and harder to stay on top of. That was without pitocin or any other augmentation that may have made them even more intense.

Hopefully you'll go into labor on your own this weekend and you won't have to worry about making a decision :)

01-19-2007, 04:09 PM
My advice is to just be excited about giving birth, and don't get too hung up on the induction part of it. I was induced, and was unmedicated until 9cm! My labor went really fast - requested an epi at 3 cm (before I was really feeling contractions), went from 4 to 8 in less than an hour. So it was not by choice that I did everything but push w/o the epi. ;) FWIW, I had cytotec the night before, and never needed pitocin - rupturing my membranes did the trick.

Good luck!

mom to Max the one year old
and my girl in heaven


01-19-2007, 04:34 PM
I didn't read all of the pp's carefully, but I think I saw someone recommend if you plan on having a natural birth, not to be induced. I would tend to agree with that. I was induced with DS and the worst part about it was that I couldn't get up and move around at all- I had to be monitored the whole time. I put off the epidural as long as possible, and laboring in bed, not being able to get up was NOT fun! I would pretend I had to pee just so I could walk to the bathroom and back! Besides that, the induction experience for me went very well. I was only 38 weeks when I was induced (low fluids) and it came as a total shock- one minute at the dr's the next in the hospital- so if you have some time to prepare for it you'll be just great!

Best of luck to you- let us know how it all goes!!!

01-19-2007, 04:48 PM
Thanks for all your advice. I also spoke with my aunt who is a CNM herself and she thought it sounded okay. As I said, the hospital has wireless monitoring so I will not be bed-bound, and while I am not wishing to be hooked to an IV the whole time, last time I had a difficult time staying hydrated (no matter how much I drank I still got dehydrated) so I had to have fluids through my hep lock anyhow. I won't be stuck in bed at all. They have a birth ball and a tub in the room if I want to use it (last time I was not interested in the tub, but who knows this time).
I might not go in Monday if they call and wait until Wednesday, so I can always give it a few extra days. I'll see how things go this weekend! I don't think a chiro is an option at this point, because we are getting 6 inches of snow in the next 24 hours and everything here is pretty much shutting down. Maybe on Monday if I don't go to the hospital I will try to get in to see someone for an adjustment/put me into labor deal.

01-19-2007, 04:52 PM
I also wanted an unmedicated birth. Both my labors were induced, both because I was very overdue. That is where the similarity ends. In my first labor, they started the pitocin very high, and I went from no contractions to 90 second contractions that were 2 minutes apart. After 5.5 hours, I was like "give me a freaking epidural or just knock me out with a rock--I can't take it anymore!" They gave me a killer epidural--way too high, I couldn't even feel my legs. Nobody would turn it down, despite repeated requests. I had no other complications, though, and gave birth after three pushes about 6 hours later, after twelve hours total in labor.

I changed practices and hospitals for my second pregancy, and used midwives (they weren't available at the old practice, but I couldn't switch because of my insurance at the time). At the second induction, they started the pitocin very slowly. I responded immediately, so they never had to crank it up much higher. I never needed any meds, gave birth in a tub, and the whole thing lasted 3 hours from first contraction to final push.

If you are in pain and feel like you need to induce, it sounds like you have the best possible formula--that is, midwives who will be there to support you and are willing to start with a low dose and keep it low or stop it if you respond well--to have an otherwise unmedicated birth.

Obviously every woman's body is different, but I'm here to tell you that an induction without an epidural is possible!

BTW, I also walked stairs, ate spicy food, made the magic eggplant parm from the recipe here on the boards, had sex, begged for the BBB mojo, and tried every other natural way to stimulate labor, but nothing worked except pitocin.

01-19-2007, 04:57 PM
That is so nice that you won't be stuck in bed! I think I could've held off even longer on the epidural if I had been able to use the ball or even just walk the halls (I had to have cervadil overnight so I labored for about 18 hours before I got my epidural). Hopefully your induction will go faster than that!

Maybe the weather will help you go into labor- my OB swears by the barometric pressure affecting labor!

01-19-2007, 05:03 PM
I just wanted to share my weird experience - I hope it was a fluke. I was induced with DS2 and while the induction wasn't bad and the labour was okay, I was bed bound even though I didn't have continuous monitoring. I somehow ended up with a bad IV hook-up. The machine had batteries, but it kept malfunctioning whenever I switched to battery mode. For some reason they couldn't switch my IV pole so I was stuck hooked to a wall socket. I literally had 5 feet of room to walk around my bed and that was all. I was still able to use the ball and sit in the rocking chair, but no showers, no tub and no walking the halls. Also, as a reslt of the induction, my labour went VERY fast once my water broke and DS2 was bron with a collapsed lung - he shot out too fast and the pressure change or something or other collapsed his lung. So while the labour went well, DS2 was stuck in NICU for 3 days after he was born. That sucked!

01-19-2007, 05:10 PM
castor oil. You'll be in labor within 24 hours.

I'd say red raspeberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil, but I think you're already too far along...

For the castor oil, stir 2 oz mixed with something palatable such as orange juice. 2 oz. is 1/4 cup or 4 tablespoons. Within about 6 hours or so, your rectum will clear itself, and within 24 hrs, you'll be in labor. that is, of course, if your body is meant to be in labor, but it sounds like you're there already.

My doula and midwives all told me to do the castor oil. I did 2 T (miscalculated 2T and 2oz...) and spent the first half of the day on the toilet, and by late afternoon, I was in labor. I was 11 days late, so I was willing to try anything safe to avoid my induction, which was scheduled for the following monday.

They say to take it in the middle of the night so you can continue sleeping, then by morning, you'll be ready to spend some time on the throne. Take it easy during the day, and wait for labor to start.

-- I labored naturally this time around, and it was fabulous. With my induction last time, it was awful - too many drugs, too many epidural meds... took ages to recover.

keep us posted!! and good luck!!


nursed for 3 years!

charlotte + else


01-19-2007, 05:23 PM
Yes castor oil is how my first dd arrived! She arrived about 12 hours after the castor oil. Totally natural birth with no medical interventions. The castor oil sucked, you basically poop out everything you have ever eaten....for about two hours...but then I realized hey these pains I'm feeling are coming quite regularly...about every five minutes....OH!!


01-19-2007, 05:24 PM
This is obviously something that's going to differ from person to person, but I'll share my experience. Both my labors were augmented with Pitocin and I had no pain meds with either. The first labor was very long and we had a hard time getting the Pitocin dose right. Second labor was an induction from the start, starting with Cervidil in the evening. We began Pitocin the next morning and it worked more quickly and consistently than the first time. I think your midwife has the right idea about not breaking your water. Best of luck to you with your decision and L & D, whenever it may be!

Mommy Of A Little Angel
01-19-2007, 05:30 PM
I haven't read others replies yet, but I can give you my experience.

I was overdue with DD and SO ready to not be pregnant. I was induced (I was 3 cm, 80% effaced, and the baby was dropped) and it went really smoothly at first. I didn't have any contractions until they broke my water (about two hours into it) then they came hard and fast, right on top of each other. I had hoped for an unmedicated birth, but wow, that was intense. I went in with an open mind and I am glad that I got the epidural.

I was at 10 cm and ready to push 2 hours later. It went REALLY quickly. It would have been a really super fast, easy birth if DD wasn't completely crooked. No one had noticed it because she was dropped and head down. Unfortunately, two hours of pushing and the vacuum couldn't budge her. I ended up with a c-section, but if not for her position, it would have been a really really easy birth. I don't regret being induced (OB said I would have ended up with a c-section either way) so for me it worked out.

I am sure it will work out great for you. Just keep an open mind! Good luck and I will look forward to your announcement next week!!

01-19-2007, 05:41 PM
I have no BTDT Induction advice I just wanted to say good luck! Congrats! And can't wait to hear about your experience and your new little one!

01-19-2007, 05:49 PM
Just be sure and stay hydrated if you go the castor oil route. Lots of Gatorade. You don't want to wind up dehydrated from all the bowel activity.

Personally I couldn't go that route. *If* it did work I would hate to spend labor on the toilet. Great place to sit but I wouldn't want to have to! :)


01-19-2007, 05:51 PM
I absolutely wouldn't induce unless it's medically necessary. If you want to have a natural birth, artificially inducing seems to contradict that. I think the PPs have great suggestions for other ideas you may want to explore first. Have you considered having your membranes stripped instead? It is more natural and doesn't have any side effects.


1) Inductions increase the likelihood of other interventions.
2) Pitocin-induced contractions can stress the baby. This can lead to fluctuating heart rates and meconium.
3) It's always better to let the baby choose its birthday -- when the time is right, the baby gives off a hormone that starts the contractions.
4) Induction increases your likelihood of wanting an epidural.

Hang in there Mama! I know those last few weeks drag by but you can do it!!!

...blessed wife and mama to two!

"And children are always a good thing, devoutly to be wished for and fiercely to be fought for."
-Justin Torres

01-20-2007, 01:17 PM
I'm another one to say that if you really want a natural birth then getting induced is probably not the best way to start out your labor. Everyone I know who goes natural (including myself) stays far far away from pitocin and induction of labor (and artificial rupture of membranes). Pitocin not only causes more painful contractions, but it tends to cause abnormally long and strong "unnatural" contractions which is why you must remain on the fetal monitor to make sure baby's heart rate remains stable. Extra long or strong contractions can cause decreases in baby's oxygen levels which mean dips in the heart rate. Pitocin is often the first step towards an epidural or c-section, which is why natural birthers tend to avoid it like the plague.

Also, if you're already 3-4cm then who knows, maybe if you wait a few more days to go into labor on your own you'll be 5cm and half-way there before you even start! Working with birthing women, I like when moms go over due since it's just more time for their body to prepare and get ready for the birth. At 3-4cm your body has definately been getting ready already! Every day your cervix is dilating a little bit more and thinning out which is great!

I'm also a fan of castor oil and would try that long before I tried pitocin. 1oz of castor oil in an ice cream shake combined with a long hot shower and an hour of breast stimulation put me into labor! And at least you can do the castor oil at home. Most moms who want a natural birth want to stay home as long as physically possible before heading to the hospital. You can't do that with pitocin.

Also, the average second time mom goes two days past her due date. The average first time mom goes 10 days past her due date.