View Full Version : OT- how much should it cost to have headlight bulb replaced?

01-22-2007, 05:55 PM
We need to have it done and can't decide if dh is just going to try following the directions in the owners' manual (he is handy with lots of things but doesn't know much about cars) or have it done.


Mommy Of A Little Angel
01-22-2007, 06:04 PM
I just wanted to let you know that I have done this before and it is usually really easy to do yourself. I would have a go at it before I brought it somewhere to be done. It's really an easy fix!

01-22-2007, 06:23 PM
Depends on whether it's a regular headlight or one of those Xenon ones. Shouldn't be that much, though. It's less than a half hour job.


01-22-2007, 07:09 PM
As long as it's a regular bulb, it should be pretty inexpensive. Last time I had one done, my place didn't even charge me for the labor (local shop, I'm a regular).

I've also done it myself and it's super easy.

mom to Max the one year old
and my girl in heaven


01-22-2007, 07:14 PM
Depends on the car. In all our current cars/truck its really easy. I used to have a Prelude, however, and it was a bear. The person attempting to change the bulb was always successful, but ended up swearing a lot and getting bloody knuckles. ;)

01-22-2007, 08:34 PM
If you buy the bulb at an auto store yourself and take you care into your regular place for an oil change, they may do it for free. Mine does, but it is cheaper to supply my own part. If I am not due for an oil change, I do it or my husband does it. It is not difficult but it is not exactly fun either. My husband knows nothing about cars, is not especially handy but he was able to teach himself this. Some mechanics will overcharge you for it (the part and a lot of labor time.) Worth it to try and do it yourself if you don't have a regular mechanic.

01-22-2007, 08:45 PM
As pp said, it depends on what kind of car you have. You can check the manual, and if it tells you how to do it, should be relatively simple, and the bulb is really inexpensive. However, a friend of ours had a BMW X5, and because the headlight was next to the super white light, he had to take it to the dealer, who charged $150! The bulb itself was still really cheap, but only they had the tools to open the casing, so there's the labor. I think after stuff like that he finally decided to get rid of it for an Acura.

01-22-2007, 08:47 PM
I had it done with an oil change. I believe it was around $5 and I saw the guy struggling to get the cover off, so it may be worth it to have it done.

ETA: We bought one to try to do it ourselves on my husband's lexus suv and we couldn't get the cover off. Turns out the way it's made, the had to replace the whole unit, which was expensive.

01-22-2007, 09:03 PM
Thanks! I so wish that I hadn't just had the oil changed, inspection...as it needs no further maintenance at this time. The manual made it sound pretty confusing (you have to go into the engine) but probably do able. Every time I have needed something minor done on the car (Civic) it seems to cost $100. I can't bear to pay $100 to have someone change a light bulb.

Maybe I'll take it to the shop I just gave $700 in business to- maybe they'll be nice. :) I'll at least ask them for their estimate. Glad to know it really could be doable.

I appreciate the replies!
