View Full Version : Children's books about travel and vacation?

02-02-2007, 01:05 PM
We're taking our first real family vacation in a month, the first trip for us involving a flight. DD has never been on a plane before, and never really slept anywhere other than home. We rented a vacation home a few hours away a couple years back, and DD had a great time, but she can't remember too much about that experience anymore.

Yesterday in my excitement about the trip, I wrote "vacation, airplane, Disneyland" on her calendar. She looked at the words and told me with a worried look that she was nervous about vacation. It's because she doesn't know what the word means. I told her that vacation was when DH and I don't work, we play all day together, we stay in a hotel and sleep together, and we ride on an airplane to go to Disneyland where Mickey Mouse lives. She digested all this info, still with a worried look, and then she then asked more questions about whether the airplane was going to be loud and whether I'd be with her. She then asked if we were going to the clubhouse. (the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse :) )

DD lives through books. I never would have thought I would have to prepare her for a vacation, but I'm sure books will help to show her that this is a fun thing we're trying to do. I can also picture her being scared of getting on an airplane. She's scared of rides in general.

So any books out there about flying or vacations that you can recommend?