View Full Version : Is your child a good traveler?

04-07-2007, 01:04 PM
I was just wondering after a girlfriend made a comment to me how well my DD handled herself when we saw each other before a cruise last January. We were walking around the Biscayne Mall and she noticed how much confidence our DD has in what can be a very intimidating place.

My DD has driven through, visited, flown through or lived in 27 states. She has been to Alaska, Canada, Mexico, and several Caribbean islands. She has flown several times, been on four cruises and crossed the Mississippi by car more times than I care to count. We have two more cruises planned (a whole nother topic) and my DP just told me we are going to Niagara Falls and Toronto for her 4th birthday. I have never been and am very excited.

04-07-2007, 02:16 PM
I guess crying so hard she vomits in the car (not just a little spit up either) routinely, even on 15 minute drives doesn't constitute a good traveler?? :P She pretty much hates the car, as did DS for his first year, or year and a half of life. He's 3 and for the past year or so has been a good traveler, even on long trips, but it was a hard road to get here. Unfortunately, history is repeating itself and DD despises the car. If she's fed, changed, and not tired, she can make it 15-20 mins max. I try to time things so that she'll fall asleep in the car (something DS never did much of, even as an infant), or make sure she's as happy as she can be and I cross my fingers I can make it to my destination before the crying starts. Even if I pull over, take her out, give her a break, nurse and put her back in, it starts over within 5 mins or less.

You are one very fortunate woman to have a DD that travels so happily :) DS does now, but I've been stuck with two babies that HATE the car.

04-07-2007, 02:24 PM
There was a short spell where he was not so great at flying (pretty much just one awful flight at 16 months). Otherwise he does a great job. My friends are amazed that we can do a 10 hour dirve with ds, with only occaisonal stops for food. He made his 1st 10 hour drive when he was 15 months old and has done it several times since then (he is 4.5). I always get stressed before a trip thinking my good luck will be up but so far, so good.

I don't hesitate to travel with him. And it is sooo much easier now that he doesn't need to nap. Lots more options and flexibility. :)


04-07-2007, 03:19 PM
The car is no problem. Staying in strange places turns them into clingy, weeping toddlers who can't sit through a meal in their own chair. We have travelled alot, but that hasn't seemed to make much difference.

04-07-2007, 05:09 PM
Yes, they both started early and travel often. Frankly, they are much happier when we're on the road, whether driving or flying overseas! I think it has to do with the fact that they get attention from both of us the whole time while doing fun stuff! (and no, not just kiddie stuff - we take them where we want to go but adapt it be enjoyable for everyone, plus our expectations are different from pre-kid days :))
