View Full Version : Siblings and the Sixth Sense - Please fill me in!

05-29-2007, 08:26 AM
I am an only child, so I really feel quite clueless here. My 3 year old has started night waking at the exact same time that my 4 month old is waking to nurse. DD2 is a great baby, and when she wakes, she doesn't even cry out... she just thumps her little leggies in the crib and I go and get her. DD1 has a white noise machine in her room, and her room is down the hall. I *really* don't think it is possible for her to hear DD2 thumping, but it is becoming freaky that we hear DD1 start chatting away or singing, the minute DD2 starts to thump.

I would have thought that the initial adrenaline of having a baby in the house would have wore off by now, and DD1 would be sleeping again just fine. Sadly, not so...

Any thoughts or btdt??

Thank you!!! :-)

Amy Z

Eliana 2/04
Abigail 1/07

05-29-2007, 08:35 AM
I've never heard of a sixth sense with non-multiple siblings. Maybe it's a sisterly sense? Don't know as I don't have that with my sister. At any rate, I think it's cool she's so in tune to her sis. :)

http://www.gynosaur.com/assets/ribbons/ribbon_gold_12m.gif[/img][/url] http://www.gynosaur.com/assets/ribbons/ribbon_gold_12m.gif[/img][/url]

I love them most when they are sleeping.--Me

05-29-2007, 10:08 AM
I believe in all this funky weird stuff, as I like to call it. Maybe DD1 has a bit of psychic energy about her . . .

05-29-2007, 12:40 PM
My sister and I are like that. We can always tell if something bad is happening to the other.

05-29-2007, 01:15 PM
My sister and I are super close. I always have dreams about things going on
in her life. Then, I will call her and she confirms my dreams. She and I are
fairly intuitive to each other. I can glance at her across a crowded room
and know exactly what she is thinking/feeling. And the same for her.

On a little side note, I have been told by several psychics/tea readers/palm
readers, that I have psychic powers myself. They always grab my hand and
tell me that I have the special gift. And, I'm like, "What? I get a free gift
with this reading?! Cool !!"