View Full Version : Possible exposure to head lice, now what?

08-29-2007, 08:32 PM
Earlier in the week I was teaching in an extended day classroom where we found out later in the day that a child was attending after being treated for head lice. I'm not sure that this was the only child affected and many had been together for most of the summer.

Anyway, I was with these children for three hours and they were all grade school age. I had no "head-to-head" contact with them (such as I would with preschool age), but did play/supervise with all of them. Does anyone know if I am at risk?

After the class was over I spoke with a phamacist who discouraged me from using the shampoo as a preventative measure. She seemed to think that my risk is minimal. But now, if I am infected, I have brought this into my house and exposed my family.

Anyone BTDT and know what, if anything, I should do now?


08-29-2007, 09:31 PM
According to our social worker she says coating your head in mayonaise and putting a plastic bag on your head for an hour or two will kill any lice ( not the eggs) It works well for "exposures" and gives a great conditioning to your hair.

08-30-2007, 12:29 PM
I would just have your head checked over the next few days and keep an eye on your kids. It's pretty rare you would get it without direct contact as lice can't jump. I taught K and 1st for 6 years and there was a lice outbreak every year at least once and I never got it. And I was a generous hugger!! So don't worry too much. Although I know you probably feel itchy just thinking about it!

Tondi G
08-30-2007, 01:46 PM
I wouldn't use that toxic shampoo just in case! Maybe have your head checked in a week or so! You can find more natural remedies like this



Good Luck.... chances are if the child had been treated you probably have nothing to worry about!


08-30-2007, 02:23 PM
We've lived through the "fun" of headlice (not) and I agree with PP that you are very unlikely to get lice without head to head contact of at least 30 sec. or more. (The lice like where they are at in the child's head - they don't want to leave).

I'd suggest having someone go through your hair a few times over the next few weeks just to be sure. If you don't have someone, a technique that worked for me was to comb my hair over a bathtub (lean over the bath so your head is upside down and comb vigoriously) as this technique can comb them out - and then you'd know if you have them. (don't confuse this with a treatment method - just a way to figure out of you have them or not).

I would not treat with the shampoo unless you know definitively know you have them - it is really harsh. Also - do not google - there is a ton of misinformation that you don't want to read. No reason to use the mayo method either.

good luck!

08-31-2007, 11:24 AM
We had this issue at Marisa's daycare and my pediatrician told be about a study that was done on a product that is 99% effective and totally safe.

Good old Cetaphil cleanser. It is recommended that you go through the hair to see if you can find any eggs, nits etc.. Than coat the hair with cetaphil and let it dry and sleep overnight with the cetaphil in her hair. Repeat the procedure in 2 weeks. I was a little paranoid so Marisa had Cetaphil in her hair for about 3 days after the incident. She never got any lice but it made her hair really soft. I applied cetaphil every morning and would wash her hair at night and reapply after washing her hair.

Sandy mom to Alexander Thor 3/16/02
& Marisa Mia 4/23/05