View Full Version : Expecting 2nd child in July - what to do about carseat

03-30-2004, 01:32 PM
The first 6 months or so are simple - use my infant carseat we bought when DS was born 3 years ago. DS will be 3 in July when baby is born. He is not a big kid - presently weighs around 25 pounds. May be 30 pounds by the time #2 is ready to move out of infant carseat.

DS is presently in Britax RA. I am wondering what to do when #2 is ready for bigger seat. Should I get a bigger seat for DS and move baby in the RA? Or keep DS in RA and buy another RA for #2. I think that with DS being 30 pounds at most, he will be too small for a booster.

Can anyone help me with my options?



03-30-2004, 02:01 PM
Take this with a grain of salt as DD is only 3 wks, but instead of buying a second RA, I bought a MA (during the co-op) so that DS could move into it when DD was ready to move out of the infant seat. He is also on the small side but the MA has such a higher wt limit that he will be able to use it for a lot longer than the RA.



03-30-2004, 05:21 PM
I'm expecting Twins in June. DD #1 who is 2.5 now, is in a RA. During the co-op I bought 2 MAs. When the twins get big enough for the convertible seat, DD#1 will move to one of the MAs and the twins will be in an MA and the RA. By the time the one in the RA needs the MA, DD#1 should be done with it.

I like the MA because of the higher weight and height limits. So if I were you, I would go for the MA. Then after #1 is out of the MA, you can still have #2 in a 5pt seat.


-Renee w/Chaya (9/01) and TWINS EDD 6/12