View Full Version : Which doubled jogger would you choose?(BOB, Kelty, DD?)

02-23-2004, 11:49 AM
I am trying to decide between a BOB, Kelty and Dream Design double jogging stroller.

Which one would you choose? I am having an awful time deciding! I have a 4 month old and an 18 month old. Both are on the taller side--my 18 month old has long legs. I want the stroller for neighborhood jogs and walks. I also want storage. Which jogger would be best?


Twinner Mom
02-24-2004, 10:32 PM
Hi again. The Kelty probably accomodates the tallest kids. It also has a higher handle bar than most, so it works great for average to above average parents. If you are short, you probably would not like the Kelty. You might want also to consider the weight of each stroller. While a couple of extra pounds in a single stroller is no big deal, it seems to play a much bigger factor in the doubles. Definitely test drive them before you buy.