View Full Version : Toddler starter software recommendations?

10-05-2004, 08:15 AM
I'm looking for a good starter computer program for my DD of 2.5 yo. Do I need to buy the special program with the plastic keyboard overlay (as seen in OneStepAhead) or can DD just use the regular keyboard?

What software program is the best for education, fun, and learning to use the keyboard/computer? I've seen the Reader Rabbit, Jump Start, and misc others but have gotten very confused!

Any information would be helpful. Thanks!

Elsa's mom (3/26/02)

10-05-2004, 03:45 PM
Well, I'm not sure which would be the best, but I would suggest trying out your library. That way you can see what your DD likes. I guess that no matter what is considered to be the most educational or fun, it would be up to your DD what she likes to play! At least my DS has very strong opinions on what he wants to play!
DS actually uses the regular keyboard and mouse. We have a smaller mouse, but the cord was getting in the way and he prefers our wireless one. He can use it just fine.
DS usually goes to sesame street or nick jr. online and plays their games. Some favorites from the library are Jump Start Toddler (currently missing at the library) Tonka, and Blues Clues.
He actually picked up everything just by moving around the sesame street site. Also, kneebouncers.com. He can bring up the internet, close programs, shut down the computer, delete my email - grr...!!
It's really amazing how quickly he picked this all up.

If you don't mind me adding to your question, how long do you let your toddlers play? DS would play all day if I let him!

10-05-2004, 06:21 PM
I can't think of where, at the moment, but you could do a search - we got Reader Rabbit (or was it Jump Start?) for .99 plus shipping. Ainsleigh likes it ok, but she likes the Sesame Street web site even better. They have many games there kids can play. Try www.pbskids.org and go from there.

Oh, and we let Ainsleigh use our keyboard and mouse - I don't want to buy anything else.

10-05-2004, 08:00 PM
We use Reader Rabbit (it's pretty good, especially for only $3 at smarte-store.com) and the Sesame Street online games. We have tried some other programs (sesame Steert home software, Disney, etc.) but these just aren't as good as Reader Rabbit! I got JumpStart Kindergarten, we'll see how DD likes that soon now that she's finishing off the preschool software.

In fact at the moment DS is 'coloring' on Reader Rabbit Toddler as I type!

We use the regular mouse and keyboard. If you don't want your child to mess up yours, you can buy cheap keyboards and mouses for $10 or less apiece.