View Full Version : Safe stool for in the kitchen

03-01-2005, 02:57 PM
I am looking for some sort of chair or stool that has railings and can be used in the kitchen. Ideally, it would be something my daughter could stand on at the counter, but unlike a chair, she couldn't fall off. Does anyone make something like this?

Thanks for the help/suggestions!

03-19-2005, 03:52 AM
The one I've heard about alot is The Learning Tower




04-02-2005, 03:00 AM
The Learning Tower is the best. My son is 2 1/2 and uses it all the time - to "help" with cooking & dishwashing, build water towers in the sink, wash hands, color easter eggs, etc... It is easy for him to climb onto by himself and it is adjustable so the height can change as he grows. I bought mine at www.heirloomwoodentoys.com with no shipping charges. The current price is $149.95... it seems expensive but it is a small price to pay for something that gets used everyday at least once and offers a safe way for them to stay involved at dinnertime!