View Full Version : posting week 2/2

02-09-2004, 04:18 PM
So who kept there New Years resolution? I have to be honest here, I didn't. I did pretty good and half of last month I worked out 4 or 5 times in the week. So I half kept my resolution! ;-)

This week it ended up being three total workouts. Two days I did weight training and one day I did pilates. I am blaiming a Stamping Up party for me not getting one more workout in. Ok, I chose to go, but I can still make the excuse :-)

On the plus side I think I am starting to see some results from my new workout program.

How are you?

02-09-2004, 04:56 PM
I did Power 90 5 days last week and 3 miles on the Nordic Track the other day.

My bad part---my birthday was Wednesday and tradition says we eat cake for breakfast. Of course, it also followed lunch and dinner for the next 3 days..... LOL

02-09-2004, 06:06 PM
Not too bad last week considering that I have been sick. UGH! Of course, now I'm even worse (with a lovely hacky cough) and with DH out of town, last week I only worked out twice. So much for my resolution to work out 5x. I'm going to force myself to do a tape tonite and tomorrow since I can't get to the gym, so hopefully that will start me on the road to 5x this week!

Because I had the kids I zipped into my WW weigh-in and just paid without weighing since I didn't have time. Here's to a loss this weekend! :)

02-11-2004, 09:10 PM
Well, preschool was cancelled for weather one day last week, so I only got to the gym once. My new weight training videos came, but I've been using my extra time to finish a sewing project I really need to get done!

When does everyone find the time to get in all these workouts? And if the answer is dragging my tush out of bed at 5 am, I may be in trouble!! LOL! :)

On the upside though, I did lose one more pound last week after plateauing the week before. So far I've lost 18.5 pounds. :)

02-13-2004, 01:34 PM
I did 2 cardio workouts and Abs of Steel 2x. I fell short of my goal, but not too bad considering we had to go out of town unexpectedly. I actually brought my Abs DVD with me, but my father's DVD player is in his living room, and I just couldn't get a chance to do it while no one was around.