View Full Version : For those who like the South Beach but want/need something more flexible

03-13-2004, 05:36 PM
I just finished reading The New Glucose Revolution


In my opinion, the SB diet is a distillation of the principles found in this book. The SB author made things a bit simpler and also omitted a lot of the scientific details found in this book. I think its a good complement to the SB book.

It also has some handy things like a food pyramid and the average amount of carbs required per day broken down by category (grains/cereals/breads, fruit, dairy, etc.).

One of the ways that the book differs is that it gets into the details of why some grains are OK and not others. So there is actually more flexibility offered by this diet (for instance things like Uncle Ben's converted rice and sushi rice are considered OK).

Another difference is that this book also doesn't really address the issues of hydrolyzed vegetable oils like SB does.

But I thought it was helpful, and I would really recommend it.