View Full Version : Posting week 3/15

03-22-2004, 11:54 AM
HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!

I am back and rested up from my great vacation with the in-laws. I had a blast and even got a few naps in! Yes I said naps!!! Ah, it was so nice, and now I am back to reality. Well how are all of you? I missed you guys while I was gone.

Well I did pretty good while I was vacationing. I did three workouts. I speed walked on my MIL's tredmill. I now have tredmill envy! I only ate one of her huge cookies (the size of Texas, no joke!) every other day. So back at home I start back up on my weight training.

How are you?

03-22-2004, 03:51 PM
Glad you had such a good time!

I got in 3 workouts too last week. Not too bad considering everything we've had going on at my house.

03-22-2004, 06:35 PM
At my mom's last Monday I did 25 minutes on her elliptical trainer - it was my first time and I sweated waterfalls! Makes me wish I had one... Then I did the Firm 3 times. I am beginning to see real definition in my arms again (hello triceps - nice to see you coming out of hibernation!). My butt, on the other hand, seems to be expanding. Hmm... time to cut back some more on the food (I will admit that I haven't been as good on that front lately).

This morning I was doing a Firm and during the aerobic part (dancing, as Ainsleigh calls it), I got a great workout as I not only followed the Firm girl, but giggled uncontrollably as Ainsleigh did, too. You should have seen the grin on her face from ear to ear as she galloped around the room waving her arms saying, "We dancing, mommy! Good job!"

Welcome back, Julie!

03-24-2004, 03:54 AM
I am renewed in my quest for a smaller pants size! In the last two days since I started, I have done an exercise tape both days and eaten healthy. I must keep on doing that!

03-29-2004, 03:11 AM
I have worked out a total of 4 times this week!! Also eaten better- but I am not perfect and did have some ice cream and cookies. Still, I have lost 3 pounds this week! Yippee!

03-29-2004, 09:06 AM
I did 4 workouts last week... 3 20 to 25 minute runs on the Nordic Track and one totally wimpy day with weights and squats and such...but I counted it, 'cause I did SOMETHING!

I'm SO ready to be past morning sickness and start feeling like my normal (albeit fatter) self again!! :D