View Full Version : Posting week 4/19

04-26-2004, 02:05 PM
Ok it sunny and around 67F and I am HAPPY!!! I kept up my goal and did 4 days of workouts, yeah!!!

I did two days of Legs & Glutes, two days of Kick, Punch & Crunch and two 10 minute ab workouts with DH. I have to say I have been doing my new workouts for almost 4 weeks and I do see a difference. These workouts are hitting my legs in places they hadn't been before and I am seeing more muscle definition. Very thrilled about that! And I have a success to report I went down 1/2" in my lower belly region and 1/4" in my hips!!! So hopefully in another 4 weeks I'll see more progress.

How did you fair?

04-26-2004, 07:42 PM
Yes, the weather has been great here too, and makes me feel like doing alot more!

I had a good week. I lost 3.5 pounds doing the SBD. Also, I did ab workouts 4 times this week (a record) and also did 3 cardio and 1 arm workout (with 5 pound weights, but a start). The mom's group I belong to has started a new walking group, so I will be doing that once a week - just trying to mix things up a little for variety and to keep it interesting.

Looking forward to more good weather to keep us motivated! Hope everyone else had a good week too!

04-26-2004, 11:24 PM
I did 3 firms and one walk. Not stellar, but I'm just glad I'm still going. It's hoooooot here right now, so if I don't exercise first thing in the AM, I am NOT motivated. Maybe I'll sweat some weight off... :D

04-28-2004, 01:23 AM
Our weather has been in the 30-40 degree area and raining for the past 3 days, so no outdoor walking here. But I do dance with Megan every night for about 30 minutes. It becomes a lot of squats and baby lifts. I'm still taking it slow, only been 5 weeks since the C-section and I am still bleeding a little.
I like the measurement idea. I'll have to take my measurements in the morning and keep track. I have noticed a change in my body shape, but not much moving on the scale.
My goal for this coming week is to drink more water and completely cut out soda (I usually drink about 3 a week). I'm still breastfeeding and I return to work next week, so I am trying to get super-hydrated for those pumping sessions. Still waiting on my Windsor Pilates to come in the mail, which I won't start until after my 6 week post partum check.
Thanks for being a great source of support. It really makes me try harder knowing that I will have to check in weekly!!