View Full Version : What would be helpful?

01-19-2005, 09:45 AM
I'm trying to figure out how to get motivated, especially on the food side of the equation. So far I'm doing pretty well with exercising, but I have not really made any changes in my diet. (Ate too much Ben & Jerry's last night, so feeling guilty.)

Any ideas out there? Might posting every day rather than every week be helpful? But don't want to get insane about this...thanks for any thoughts!

01-23-2005, 12:32 AM
One of my motivating techniques is rethinking how I view my body. It's a respect issue. I think to myself "I deserve better". Why cheat your body out of the best fuel you can provide for it. You wouldn't put watered down gas in your car. If you respect your body, then you won't want to put anything in it that isn't good for it.

Do you have a certain type of food that you can't resist? I'm addicted to sweets, so I totally eliminated them for two weeks. I hardly crave them at all now. It's almost like going through detox.

01-23-2005, 08:22 AM
Wow, eliminating sweets for two weeks - that's impressive! I don't know if I have the willpower to do that...I need my chocolate!

You're right, though, at some point I just have to make the decision and do it. Thanks for the input.

01-23-2005, 05:25 PM
Have you tried food journaling? It is seriously the best thing I ever did for my eating habits. The only thing you have to be careful of is honesty - it's very easy to not write down the candy bar or french fries so that your journal looks good, but if you're not accurate it won't do you any good.

Also, don't have the foods that you tend to overdo on in your house, or find substitutes for them that will work. Now, if I crave a bag of cookies, I have a big glass of v8 or water and crunchy peanut butter on a rice cake. Eventually your bad habit changes into a good one.

HTH :)

01-25-2005, 03:07 PM
I am so totally in the same spot. I can't stop eating! We didn't have Ben and Jerry's just some chocolate chip cookies that I made. I think I had 10 before I realized I had one! I really need to get a handle on the eating, because I was just looking at my pregnancy journal and realize that I weigh more now then I did a year ago, when I was 5 months pregnant! Talk about depressing. I have joined a gym and have been going regularly. I really LOVE it - but with the snow didn't get there yet this week, will definitely make it tomorrow.

I love the idea of cutting out the sweets. I had gestational diabetes so I really had to watch what I ate and did. I must say it wasn't really that hard, but I think that I am eating poorly now because I didn't(couldn't) while I was pregnant.

Journaling doesn't really work for me. I am thinking about trying Weight Watchers (again) because I really need to loose about 50-60 pounds and know that just exercising isn't going to do it. Has anyone tried the new program yet.

And congrats to you ladies who are doing tremendously well with loosing the weight. You inspire me so any other tips you may have I am all for listening to.