View Full Version : Need input on physical activity for moms

03-17-2005, 07:25 PM
I am a researcher in health/physical activity, mom of a 9 mo baby girl and new to this message board. I would like to get moms' perspectives on physical activity to help me in a presentation I am putting together.

Here are some questions I have:

1. What advice regarding physical activity were you given by your ob/gyn during pregnancy? post-partum?

2. What are your top 3 reasons for physical activity during pregnancy? post-partum?

3. What are your 3 biggest barriers to physical activity during pregnancy? post-partum?

4. What physical activity has been easiest/hardest for you to do during pregnancy? post-partum?

5. Any other related thoughts/comments?

I hope I'm not imposing on the forum, but your input will really be helpful! Thanks!

03-17-2005, 11:16 PM
>1. What advice regarding physical activity were you given by
>your ob/gyn during pregnancy? post-partum?
Almost none. I didn't gain any weight until the last 6 weeks of pregnancy, and had done WW for a year before I got pregnant, and my OB just said to keep making healthy choices and left it at that. As far as exercise went, other women I knew told me to keep active, but my doctor never did. Post-partum I was told to take things at my own pace, but to not start anything in earnest until 6 weeks after my c-section.

>2. What are your top 3 reasons for physical activity during
>pregnancy? post-partum?
These answers are my reasons now that I've had some time to think about what I wish I'd done differently while pregnant and right after DS was born. During pregnancy: 1) easier delivery 2) faster recovery from delivery 3) faster return to pre-preggo size; Post-partum: 1) get my abs back 2) have more energy 3) feel better
>3. What are your 3 biggest barriers to physical activity
>during pregnancy? post-partum?
During: exhaustion, discomfort, exhaustion. I had insomnia almost from day one, and by they time I wa so uncomfortable I couldn't have slept anyhow, I was also too uncomfortable to do much more than slowly waddle; Post-Partum: exhaustion, lack of abs after c-section, exhaustion. Next time I won't let the exhaustion get the better of me, or I'll at least try harder, but it was by far the biggest thing stopping me from being motivated to do anything but nest.
>4. What physical activity has been easiest/hardest for you
>to do during pregnancy? post-partum?
I was able to walk and that was about it for any exercise. I carried 100% up front, and it was physically painful to do anything more. That was also the limit of what I could do post-partum, again due to the c-section.
>5. Any other related thoughts/comments?
I think that in general, I had a "normal" experience for a first-time mom as far as fitness instruction went. After having gone through a c-section, though, and four months later an appendectomy, I now know how much work it really takes to recover, and if I can make things easier on my body by keeping fit while pregnant, that's what I'll do next time. But I also don't think that while you're pregnant is the time to start working out - I know I couldn't have done it, I didn't have the stamina, energy, or enough brainpower to focus on it.

HTH, and let us know how it goes when it goes! :)

03-17-2005, 11:27 PM
1. What advice regarding physical activity were you given by your ob/gyn during pregnancy? post-partum?
Initially my ob encouraged me to keep up with my workout routine. I was in decent shape at the beginning of my pregnancy.

2. What were your top 3 reasons for physical activity during pregnancy? post-partum?
1) To control excessive weight gain 2) To stay fit 3) To destress

3. What were your 3 biggest barriers to physical activity during pregnancy? post-partum?
1) exhaustion 2) lack of time 3) preterm labor issues which put a halt to most activities-modified bedrest

4. What physical activity has been easiest/hardest for you to do during pregnancy? post-partum?
Post-partum - Initially getting back into the swing of things was extremely difficult because I was so out of shape as a result of bedrest. Working with a physical therapist and a personal trainer helped tremendously.

5. Any other related thoughts/comments?

DS 6/03


03-20-2005, 08:41 AM
1. What advice regarding physical activity were you given by your ob/gyn during pregnancy? post-partum? I was on bedrest for most of my pregnancy and only allowed to do minimal stretching for activity. Post-partum my doctor gave me to okay to do whatever I felt up to doing. Of course, the first week or two it wasn't much more than stretching then I started with walking on the treadmill, some weights, etc. Pretty quickly I was back to a standard workout routine with no restrictions.

2. What are your top 3 reasons for physical activity during pregnancy? post-partum? Again I was on bedrest so during pregnancy stretching helped get a little bit of blood flowing. After pregnancy it is to loose the pregnancy weight, have more energy, and stay healthy.

3. What are your 3 biggest barriers to physical activity during pregnancy? post-partum? During pregnancy the barrier was bedrest. After pregnancy it is squeezing it into my schedule, picking activities that can include the kids, and making it a priority in my life.

4. What physical activity has been easiest/hardest for you to do during pregnancy? post-partum? Easiest: Pregnancy = stretching only, Post Partum = yoga, walking, fitness tapes. Hardest = none really. After pregnancy the focus is different though a hike is now a learning event for me and the kids rather than vigorous exercise, same with biking, taking walks, etc. Everything just moves at a different pace.

5. Any other related thoughts/comments? Nope.