View Full Version : Talk to me about excercise "points" on Weight Watchers...

05-27-2005, 10:45 PM
I joined WW two years ago, and loved their "Points" program. What I did not love however, was how corny their meetings were (at least in my area anyway).
So, I only went twice, and never learned how to calculate Points earned for excercise.
I did loose the weight I wanted to loose on my own. Flash forward to 2 years later, of eating all the bad stuff I love once again, and I have gained all the weight back. UGH.
I am doing the WW Points program on my own again, and it's so easy to do alone, I have no desire to go back to pay them more $$. BUT I never learned how to calculate how to earn points for your excercise! Help! Can someone explain it to me? Is there a chart or something?

05-28-2005, 12:02 AM

I just PM'd you.

DS 11/04