View Full Version : Thoughts on food....or food for thought.....

08-09-2005, 04:42 PM
Has anyone read the book, "French Women Don't Get Fat?" I skimmed it at the bookstore a while back, but happened to catch the author on Fit Tv's Diet Doctor show. I thought her points were very interesting, things that I haven't thought much about until recently.

The American culture tends to multitask while eating alot, and I know this is the case with me, especially with the two little babes at home. I mean, it's hard to get everything for them done, then actually sit down to ENJOY a meal and not rush through it. The author discussed trying to make food a sensory experience by actually enjoying and taking the time to savor what's on your plate. In addition, when you use quality whole foods, and less processed foods, fruits/veggies in season, etc. it makes the meal more tasty. I can think of several times in the past where I would zone out in front of the TV or on the phone and eat my whole plate, without giving it a thought. Then I'd look down at my plate and realize the whole thing was gone. It's like I didn't even REMEMBER eating!! Then I'd want more and I'd do the same thing again!

Do you ever notice that you do that? I am trying to make a conscious effort (as much as I can with the babes of course) to really enjoy the meal. And I think if I can do that, it will automatically help with portion control, since I limit the mindless eating/wanting more habit.

And of course she talks about how Americans eat these huge portions too, while the French don't. They just eat rich, quality foods but in small amounts. They even talked about how they might nibble on one small piece of chocolate, but it's very rich, dark chocolate that is savored after the meal.

It's not like you have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out, but it's amazing how crazy American eating habits are. They even interviewed random people on the street from different parts of the world and they all said the same thing about portions here in America, they're huge!! Taking a step back over the past few months to see what a portion actually is has been very enlightening! In addition, in filling my glass with different drinks, I realized I was actually getting a double portion as we have 12-16 oz glasses.


08-13-2005, 07:47 PM
I haven't read the book, but I did see some interview on the Today show (I think) about it. I do buy into the whole thing about savoring your food though and making sure you chew every thing and really slow down when you eat. I notice sometimes when I am rushed or just trying to feed my 2 year old, that I am not fully chewing my food before I am swallowing. Gross!

I think they say it takes 20 minutes to "feel" full so most of us are completely done with our food by then! I was reading something in a yoga magazine at the gym and they were talking about a certain type or style of living where you chew each bite of food 37 times (yes, 37 times!) before you swallow it. I can't do that, but I can see how that would certainly help with being mindful of your health and thusly your weight. Of course, you would be there for an hour eating an apple at 37 times of chewing!