View Full Version : My first check-in

11-07-2005, 02:18 PM
So this is how the week went:

I am happiest about the exercise, so I will focus on that:

Mon: 1 hr walk
Tues: 1 hr gym
Wed: 1 hr walk
Thurs: 1 hr walk/ 1/2 hr gym
Sat: 1 1/2 hr hike (decent incline)
Sun: leisurely stroll around Costco

This morning it started to rain, so I didn't get the walk in pre-work (I have arranged to meet a friend at 7:00, so far it has been a good way to get the exercise in before work, since after work is hard for me).

I am wearing a pedometer, and shocked to see how little I move during the day. I am going to start tromping up to the third floor bathroom (I am on the first floor), just to get some exercise breaks in.

As for food, well, the Halloween candy sitting in my office kitchen is a serious setback -- yes, I brought it from my own house, but I thought *other* people would eat it!. But I have been packing salads for lunch (and actually ate them twice last week). I am going to continue to work on my lunch habits for now, and then tackle dinner down the road -- DH is the cook/shopper these days, and it is tough to change his ways. And I don't have the energy to take everything on all at once, anyway. As for dinner, for now I am content with working on portion size control.

So this week, the goals are: gym x3, walk x3, healthy lunches with lots of veggies. There is a Trader Joes about a mile from my office; I should walk down there for a salad today, as I don't have a lunch packed.

11-07-2005, 08:48 PM
Great job !! and once that halloween candy is gone, think how much better you'll be about healthy snacking. I try to pack apples for work, and then sprinkle cinnamon on them (just plain, no sugar or anything). and when I am feeling lazy, i will bribe people with half an apple if they core and cut it !

11-08-2005, 12:19 AM
Way to go on your week! :)
