View Full Version : Want to make a change . . .

02-07-2006, 03:38 PM
For the past 8 years, I've gradually gained weight. On my 5'10" frame, it's a little easier to conceal an extra pound or two, but with pregnancy and about a 40 lb. weight gain, it's time to make some changes. Before pregnancy, I weighed 168. At delivery my weight was 204. Currently, (5 wks. after delivery), my weight is 183. I would love to lose 40-45 lbs. and get back in the size 8-10 clothes I used to wear. I know I would feel better, and it would please my husband to get my shape back. So I'd really appreciate the support I know you all can offer. My problem is consistency in what I do. About 12 years ago, I began a consistent 2+mi./day walk and reduced calories to about 1500 calories and lost 20 lbs. I haven't been able to stick to anything like that since, but I want to find that dedication again. I just read some of your posts and am ready to get on board with all of you to lose weight.

02-10-2006, 09:10 PM
I hear you about being tall and hiding the pounds until it has REALLY added up. NO ONE believes me when I say what I weigh and they always try and start WAY too low on the balance scale at the doctor's office.

I just started recently but doing the weekly check-ins here has a way of keeping me honest.

There is obvioulsy no magic bullet but little changes are possible.

Since your baby is so young, try stroller walks and maybe a postpartum exercise class that you can take your baby to. And don't go on any radical diets!

02-11-2006, 11:54 PM
I highly recommend a combo of cardio a few days a week, and weight training a few days a week. Combine that with smaller meals of high quality carbs (fruits, veggies, high fiber breads, beans, etc) , lean proteins, healthy, monounsaturated fats.

I think 1500 may be too low, and would strive for 1800 a day and see how you feel.

Also, measure yourself each month since inch loss is not always reflected on the scale, since muscle weighs more than fat, yet is more compact.

Join us for weekly check ins!!

You can do it!!!
