View Full Version : body fat %%

07-07-2006, 01:48 PM
just wanted to warn anyone considering having that caliper test done that it may give you a number you do NOT want to know !!


Think I'll try to figure out how to put that on my ticker - so many percentage points to lose.....

gulp. Here's the chart. Let's just say I am shooting for accpetable....

Table 1. Body Fat Guidelines from American Council on Exercise
Classification Women (% Fat) Men (% Fat)
Essential Fat 10-12 percent 2-4 percent
Athletes 14-20 percent 6-13 percent
Fitness 21-24 percent 14-17 percent
Acceptable 25-31 percent 18-25 percent

I am really dwelling on this. I think I need to go to the bitching post.... Granted, I am not back in the size clothes I'd like to be, but I never realized I was in the unaccpetable, over-fat category.


07-08-2006, 05:19 PM
Yup Lynnie, don't want to know that number, or my BMI or my weight. I like being in the dark. It is very comforting!

07-08-2006, 05:21 PM
Hey, I just saw your post about tennis! You are doing something to change what you don't like.....so be proud of yourself, MAMA!
You are taking charge of what you can change, and I admire that!
Good for you!

07-09-2006, 09:46 AM
Lynnie calipers are NATORIOUS for being WAY off. A reputable trainer or nutrianist would never use this as a gage. You can measure and that's pretty good judge, I've used Shapes before, it uses a lot of measurement. Start to sign up for the program, on page 2 click on Body Fat calculator. The only true way to know is to be imersed in water and done professionally. Don't be so rough on yourself, you are active, most people aren't :)


07-09-2006, 08:07 PM
Actually Registered Dietitians are trained in using the calipers...and while the numbers can be off it can give you an idea. It is not as accurate as the bod pod, but it is a minute cost in comparison. You get into trouble when you go to a person who calls themselves a nutritionist, but has no real training. You do have to be specially trained in caliper testing to do it right, and even at that you will have human error. :)

07-10-2006, 08:34 AM
thanks guys !

I planned out a healthy week eating wise, and will do weights 3X and cardio at least 2, so hopefully that will help.

But more importantly, I will *know* that those calipers must have been off, and will just use it as a way to get motivated. So, the human error is what bumped me up to over the acceptable limit....

(and measuring on the belly for one of the measurements after a woman has had two babies is just not right!)

07-10-2006, 10:16 AM
I totally agree with you Lynnie. Concentrate on all the great things you are doing activity wise. Be proud. You are making yourself more healthful everyday!

07-10-2006, 10:24 AM
Thanks for the info Rachel :)

07-10-2006, 08:24 PM
Glad I could contribute something....finally!