View Full Version : Exercise suggestions?

07-27-2006, 06:32 PM
Anyone know any good websites that show basic muscle-toning or muscle-strengthening exercises you can do WITH your baby? (Or can anyone accurately describe some for me?) If I try to find the time to do anything by myself I know I won't keep up with it, and I'd enjoy the "play time" with DS more anyway.

We're on a VERY tight budget right now, so I can't justify going out & buying an exercise video, even if it was used. That's why I'm asking about free stuff. :)


07-27-2006, 06:40 PM
You could look at your local library for a book. I don't know of any websites online that don't promote their own product. There are postpartum workout books, would would hit this for you.


07-27-2006, 10:04 PM

I saw a woman on Oprah several months back who lost weight exercising with her baby. Maybe check out Oprah's site and see if you can find it? I do remember some of the exercises she showed, here are a few:

-squats holding baby as a weight
-abdominal partial sit ups kissing your baby each time you lift your head/upper body
-baby bench press-lay on back and push baby up into air with your arms
-bicep curls with baby

Also, last week I tried to work out while my kids were playing in the room. Initially I thought it was a big mistake but they found it fun when I started to hold 20 pound Julia and do step ups onto a high step with her and lunges, and then the same with Sammy, who is over 30 pounds. I was desperate, wanted to work out, and it worked out great!

Hope that helps a bit.


07-28-2006, 10:58 AM
My thanks to both of you!

I hadn't even *thought* of looking for something at the library. That would actually be a good resource for some other stuff I've been wanting to look into, too!

PP, the abdominal sit ups you described were exactly the type of thing I was thinking of. I think I've seen those demonstrated before, because I have a visual of them... Anyway, I'll definitely check out Oprah's site.

07-28-2006, 09:25 PM
I just went to a stroller fitness class this week and they did some of these floor exercises with baby:

-lay on your back, sit baby on your pelvis facing you, and lift butt up and down
-lay baby on his back and do push-ups over baby, kissing him each time you go down (and hope your arms don't give out and you crush the baby!)

07-28-2006, 10:15 PM
Oh, yes! Those were also done on that Oprah episode too. Great suggestions!!
