View Full Version : Why don't people in group exercise smile?

04-20-2007, 09:54 AM
Or more accurately, why do they look so serious, and even, maybe grumpy?

I'm surprised when I look around my group exercise classes and people seem to be so serious, and I don't think it's due to exertion.

Curious. Maybe it's regional, or maybe I'm just happy in class because it's my "me" time kid-free 60-minute getaway.

I get this at church though too when I sing. I'll look out across the pews and people look so serious/solemn/zombie-like. Maybe they're concentrating?

04-20-2007, 12:25 PM
I generally hate exercise classes, so am rarely - if ever - smililng. I used to go spinning because it was good for me. I hated it. I kept checking my watch and am sure had a frown on the whole time, except for when I had the face of utter exhaustion on.

I just tried a power training class - I was not smiling because the music was WAY too loud.

I don't smile all the time when I am running because I am not in great shape, so it is hard work. I smile when I work out with my trainer cause I like it, and although its hard work, its fun. of course by the end of the session I am likely exhausted, and just barely standing.

I wish I could be more like you, but unless I truly like the activity, then working out is something I do because I want to be in shape, and I am not always happy about it. When I find a tennis clinic or a soccer team and start playing that (don't tell DH) THEN I'll be happier.

04-20-2007, 02:30 PM
I love my exercise classes but I usually don't smile b/c I am working hard. If the teacher says something funny or the song really gets to me I may smile. I love spinning b/c no one is paying attention to anyone else- we are all just peddling to our hardest. In my weight lifting class I usualy have pretty high weights and am in the zone. I guess my answer would be that I am focused on my workout and that's why I don't usually smile. I do love going though. :)


04-25-2007, 04:46 PM
For me...
I am blocking out any unneccessary sound, light, other distractions. I am focusing on what the instructor is doing and then trying to process that to the various parts of my body enough that they then do that, lol. Mainly focus. Same at church with singing. :-)

05-03-2007, 07:15 PM
Well, in the gym they are all comparing themselves to everyone else and everyone else's high kick.

You go to a Catholic Church, mass is still seen as an obligation for many Catholics and they literally want their Eucharist and then to have the rest of the morning free. I am assuming that some of these people flee the sanctuary as soon as they have taken the host? I have never been to mass anywhere where everyone seemed entirely glad and happy to be there. However most people seem somewhat to very friendly at my current church.