View Full Version : how do you get these dang disposables to work?! LOL

06-13-2003, 12:07 PM
Ok, so DH, Ainsleigh and I were on vacation from Thursday to Monday, and we opted to take disposables to make our lives easier. That first morning when we were at the airport, I took Ainsleigh into the women's restroom to changer her diaper and I could not have felt more awkward trying to get that thing on. Ok, it isn't that hard - I did it for the first 10 months of her life. But I remember it being so EASY. And here I am fiddling with either side and trying to get it tight enough and I'm totally convinced that other people in there must think I kidnapped her because if I was REALLY her mother, I'd know how to diaper her. Then I realize that maybe they think I'm just an aunt or something and that would explain my ineptness. Then I realize that probably they're doing their best NOT to watch me and really couldn't care less about my diaper-changing abilities. But anyway, even DH remarked that he was having trouble with the disposables. He said (and I'm not making this up), "They just don't feel right. They're so papery. I'm so glad we're using cloth at home."

Anyway, I just had to share. I never thought disposables would seem difficult to put on.

Oh, and the other thing was that it has been MONTHS since I've used them, and pulling one out and smelling it brought back memories of the first time I pulled out one of her newborn diapers... oh nostalgia. What is that called olfactory memories? Something like that. Anyway, it's interesting the memories certain smells conjure up.

But we're so glad to be back in the cloth! Now time to go do laundry:)!

06-13-2003, 01:43 PM
Too funny! The smell of disposables remind me of Sarah's newborn days too. And I have a very similar reaction when we are on vacation and use disposables!

06-13-2003, 02:42 PM
Yeah, me too! The smell of *clean* disposable diapers makes me misty about the boys' early days. The smell of *dirty* disposables helps me remember why I switched to cloth! LOL!

06-13-2003, 03:10 PM
And you know what the sad thing is? DH commented on the smell of the dirty disposables before I did. And I'm usually the one with the sensitive nose. But he was the one who said, "Man, her stink is WAY worse in these than the cloth!" Guess I'm lucky to be married to him (which actually isn't a guess - I know!).

06-13-2003, 03:59 PM
Well, being a dedicated Pampers Mommy...(God do **I** feel awkward in this forum!)...

Next time you need to put Ainsleigh in disposables, try to get the ones with the stretchy sides. They're WAY easier to get on right. I've actually called and bitched at Pampers about their old tab style dipes. They sent me coupons for free packs of the new versions!

And FWIW, I probably would have offered to help if I saw you in the bathroom fighting with the dipe! :)


06-13-2003, 04:06 PM
haha - you know what - I was actually holding the stretchy-sides in one hand and the babydry in the other and thought, "Ah heck, the BabyDry are cheaper. Into the cart they go!" Good to know, though - thanks for the tip! And the reason I felt so silly is that I *did* use them for the first 10 months of her life! You'd think I wouldn't forget something like that. And if you HAD offered to help me, I would have been mortified, and then probably would have given you my life story to explain why I was having trouble diapering my 14-month-old so you wouldn't think I was a totally inept mother! LOL! But maybe for our upcoming trips I'll invest in the stretchy-sides...;)

06-13-2003, 04:54 PM
I am just laughing imagining the scene! :)

One question -
do you ever notice if Ainsleigh is more rash prone in disposables?
I've noticed lately that when I use disposables at times, Audrey seems to get a little rash, then back in cloth and its goes away?
This never happened before, so I'm just curious.

06-13-2003, 05:36 PM
Hmmm. I'm not sure. Honestly, I probably changed 5 diapers in 5 days because DH totally took over. I have heard of it happening, though. As far as I know, DH just kept her butt slathered in cream. Ah, the diaper holiday was WONDERFUL!! :D

06-13-2003, 06:14 PM
The only disp. diaper which I could get a good fit on Ds, once he got older, was the Pampers Cruisers, too.

I'm taking our diapers with us and praying the airline doesn't lose them!

06-13-2003, 07:42 PM
I think I would freak out more if the airline lost my diapers rather than my Stroller!! (Which is saying a whole lot!!)

06-13-2003, 07:47 PM
Have you thought about shipping them to your destination via UPS (or FedEx) ahead of time? That seem like it would be much easier than carrying them with you.


06-15-2003, 03:47 PM
I'm finding that to be true. Whenever we put a disposable on Amy Grace her bottom starts to get red. I used disposables for *years* with my boys and still on Wesley (will that kid ever potty train?!?) and they had rash problems off and on but nothing constant. As a matter of fact, last night I didn't have an extra cover in the diaper bag and put on a disposable and when we got her home and dh took off her diaper at bathtime he said, "hmmm...her bottom looks a little red"! Weird. I swear she only had it on for like an hour! A little cream and back to cloth and it's gone completely.