View Full Version : Carnation Good Start poop?

09-06-2003, 02:13 PM
This is probably a weird question, but since I switched to Good Start, DD's poop is now this bizarre blue/gray color. I'm only using the Good Start because the ped said it might help her yeast infection to go away and stay away if I use it for about a month. I have her in disposable right now while we treat the yeast, but I'm kind of wondering when I put her back in cloth if it's going to stain my diapers. Anyone else use this formula and cloth diapers?

09-06-2003, 02:48 PM
When Audrey was younger and I stopped bfing we tried all kinds of different formulas, long story...but we had a terrible experience with Good Start. A. had the "quick crete" poop (as DH called it) it looked just like wet cement. It was terrible and the most foul smelling ever....worse than when we started solids.
Also, it made her terribly gassy and uncomfortable. WE finally settled with Similac Lactose Free until she was about 9 mo. then she moved to Reg. Similac without any problems.
And, for what its worth, our ped. suggested the GS formula, and I have to say, to this day its the worst idea that man ever had!! :)
I wouldn't use cloth until the yeast infection has completly cleared up and if her poo is still like this, use some liners to protect your diapers! :)

09-06-2003, 04:54 PM
I used this formula and cloth diapers....hummmm the blue poop sounds very odd to me though..is it blue or blackish and does it stink really bad...is it liquid or really solidy..yes i had to check up on poop so much that now im just a POOP EXPERT...lol anyhow Carnation Goodstart, we never had a stain problem at all...we still dont have a stain problem and we are using soy...But the bizzar color, maybe its because of the change...give her a week to get used to the formula and see if it changes blue/grey isnt a normal poop color at all....At least this is the opinion of our GI specialist...He calls them transitional poops...

Oooh btw if the poop is foul smelling it means that she is reacting to the formula and if its blackish then there might be hidden blood in it which could also be a sign of her reacting to it(this of course assuming she isnt eating any raisins, prunes etc.)

09-07-2003, 08:09 AM
Quick Crete... that's funny :)... it does reek... DH was holding her on the sofa when she went yesterday and he said I needed to take her "NOW" because he was about to pass out from the smell :)... wuss!

She doesn't seem to be gassy though - just the weird looking poop... I did a search on this and apparently this blue/gray color is not uncommon for the GS (yes, comical that there have been multiple posts about the shade of GS poop!) ... must have something to do with the "comfort proteins"... anyway, I'm looking forward to switching her back to Enfamil when the ped gives me the go-ahead.

By the way, the ped that suggested I put her on this is not my regular ped, but he is the children's GI specialist in the practice, so I *hope* he knows what he's talking about, but you never know!

09-07-2003, 08:12 AM
It's not really blue/black, mostly gray, but did seem a "bit" blueish (I can't BELIEVE I'm talking about this)... maybe it is the transition between the two formulas and it will get less weird... I'll call the ped back otherwise.