View Full Version : Fuzzi Bunz sizing question?

10-07-2003, 09:23 PM
I am finding that I like Fuzzi Bunz more and more for nighttime, and would like to get a few more. Lindsey still fits into the medium on the smallest snap setting on the top row, and the second smallest snap setting on the bottom row, but they are kind of getting short on her. Is the rise in the Petite Toddler Fuzzi Bunz longer than the rise in the medium size?

I think she will swim in the larges, but with the thigh measurements and weight she would fit into the PT, but I'm really worried about the rise being too short. She's so tall, but very thin...


10-08-2003, 06:53 AM
I have to use the PT size for DD. I believe that the rise is similar to a Large FB, since a Large JoeyBunz works fine to stuff them with.


10-08-2003, 11:24 AM
Thanks Beth!