View Full Version : washing the washing machine

10-13-2003, 01:15 PM
I read instructions on how to wash your washing machine somewhere and now I can't find it again. It was on a cloth diaper site, that much I remember. Does anyone know what I am talking about? It was something about vinegar and baking soda and a hot wash to get all that yucky buildup out of the washer.

Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03

10-14-2003, 07:47 PM
its on the diaper hyena website and seems to help. (ihope) baby calls...


10-14-2003, 08:22 PM
This is what I have in my notebook. I "think" I got it from MDC. First, you put 2 gallons of vinegar in the machine and run a long hot cycle with the lid UP. Let it agitate and then wait for the water to cool down. Close the lid and finish the cycle. Well, I tried it once but didn't see any significant differences though (according to the OP, you should see lots of bubbles).

HTH :)

Mama to Maya 2-17-02