View Full Version : Strange diaper combinations a la Daddy

01-19-2004, 05:14 PM
Today I got to meet three BBB moms for lunch :) - Jen "kensjen", Karen "Meatball Mommie" with her cutie pie, James, and Helene "ismommy" and her sweet dd, Bella. When I got home, here's what I found:

Neve was wearing a Sugarpea wool cover over a prestuffed fuzzibunz.
Shea was wearing a sugarpea dipe with an inside out, backwards Motherease airflow???

LOL - And I'm not going to bother mentioning it to DH.

01-19-2004, 05:33 PM

Oh well, if that's the worst thing you came home to, I'd say you are very lucky, hehe.

I left out all of the daddy friendly angel wraps, so we were fine here!

Had fun, let's do it again! :)

01-19-2004, 05:33 PM
I guess he wanted to make sure that Neve didn't leak!!! I don't know about Shea though. :)

At least he tried!

http://www.auction-pix.com/katasha/stuff/snowman.gif Mary & Lane 4/6/03

01-19-2004, 10:51 PM
Too funny! What is it with men and putting things on inside out. DH always puts DS' clothes on inside out.

01-19-2004, 10:54 PM
LOL! I guess it's at least good that he tried!!

When Parker had his tonsils out and my mom was visiting, dh & mom got together on a strange combo: a SugarBums fleece *cover* inside a Bumpy Day *cover*! LOL! Did not work!! They couldn't figure out why she was so soaked! LOL!

01-19-2004, 11:41 PM
I love hearing of get togethers...sounds like you ladies had fun!!!
Wish we were there to meet you gals!!!
AKA "mama2be"-forgot password
and Baby Boy Tristan born @UNC
Feb 25, 2003
Brother to 3 pups "gees" and 2 kitties

01-20-2004, 05:14 PM
Very Funny!
Though in your DH's defense, I have to say I find the ME Airflow to require a lot more "thinking" than my other covers... that and the lack of gussets keep me from using it much.

Last week, my DH (who changes DD out of her overnight dipe and plops her in the bed with me before he leaves for work in the morning) forgot to put _any_ cover over DD's snappi'd prefold... which I discovered when I found the wet spot on our bed 2 hrs later. I think it is because, lately, he always puts her in the one cute print cover we have, a zoo print Bumpy day cover. He will even root around in the drawer to find it (and he is usually an out of sight, out of mind kind of guy)... well it was in the wash that day, so he probably didn't see it and forgot about the cover altogether.
He's also confused by/ suspicious of the wool... I asked him recently to try DD in the Lana cover I bought from Linda... he did, but, you guessed it, _over_ the zoo print Bumpy.


01-20-2004, 05:56 PM
At least your DH's TRY!

One hint about the Airflow. Try just unsnapping one waist snap and treating it like a pull-on cover. That way there's only one snap to deal with.


01-20-2004, 06:30 PM
I don't know, it sounds like he really had to TRY to mess those ups...maybe he wants out of diaper-duty? LOL.

Dh, who actually knows & understands our diapers, has this absent-minded thing lately where he forgets to put covers on! Usually, AT NIGHT, but one time before a trip to the doctors and the mall! Luckily that was a light-pee day.

01-20-2004, 07:58 PM
LOL Pam! I was wondering why Anwyn's bum felt so odd one day - dh had put an RB WIO on and then put a Bumpy Day over it! LOL