View Full Version : Website re: EC/Early toilet training

03-29-2004, 12:54 AM
There was an article in today's paper (Chicago Tribune) and this website was referenced:

Thought some of you might find it interesting.

Lane 4/6/03

03-29-2004, 02:41 AM
The part about all the oil used to manufacture disposies is gross! It's just another good reason to use cloth :)
So, I've been trying part-time ECing with DS for the past few months, and he's been going through less diapers/day. I've noticed his dipes aren't wet as often. I have him pee when he wakes up in the morning, whenever I think of it while changing his diaper, and when he wakes up from his nap (or naps...sometimes he takes two). Anyway, it's much easier than I thought it would be. I'll probably do it full-time when summer comes and he can just run around in a dipe all day.
I've been meaning to post an update, but forgot until you posted this.

03-29-2004, 12:08 PM

I saw that too and was going to post something!

03-29-2004, 10:36 PM
Mary.. i just saw this. Do you have a link to the article in the Chicago Times by any chance? It would be interesting to read. I want to resume ECing Leela sometime next month, when it gets warmer. I am so excited!! Less dipes to wash!

03-29-2004, 10:59 PM
Rashmi -
I just sent you an e-mail. :)

Lane 4/6/03

03-30-2004, 03:15 PM
I want to begin Ari in August....Do you think this is worth it??

03-30-2004, 03:56 PM
Linda.. i am not sure if you need the VHS tape. On MDC they have a forum about ECing, you can read that for some info. Beth had mentioned a book that you can find in the library also..i forget the name but i can look it up for you.
It is something worth trying. And with the gorgeous weather you have in PR, it will be easy to keep him in just a fitted all day long and take him to the potty every 15-20 mins.

03-30-2004, 06:03 PM
LOL - I can't imagine it being easy to tear a toddler away from what he is doing every 15-20 minutes to sit on the potty...

03-30-2004, 06:12 PM
hmmm.. i guess that is true.. i have no experience with a truly mobile baby, as you can tell! :)

03-30-2004, 07:04 PM
Just chiming in to agree with Rashimi that it's worth a try. If Ari is just wearing a fitted, you'll be able to tell when and how often he wets, so after a few days, ypou'll probably know his schedule. That would mean you wouldn't have to take him to the potty so often. I think it's worth a try. People from a lot of other countries think it's nuts to wait so long (as crazy as a lot of people in the US think it is to try potty learning before 1).
If nothing else, ECing really cuts back on how many dipes you go through/day.

03-31-2004, 12:56 AM
See the weird thing is we have this little potty that we bought a while back just to let him sit htere etc..And when i go potty(of course we never get those ALONE breaks in there!! LOL) he sits down in his little potty...He is obviously not going potty but its sorta cool that he does thtat..Made me feel a bit better about trying to actually get his schedule down...Ill have to do it in the summer then when day care closes for 2 weeks...Ill begin then...Question though..How long do boys take to get that whole winky thing figured out...I mean how long will he be sitting like a girl?? Or should he not sit like a girl?? AAACCKK totally confusing...
Lori your totally right..LOL every 15 min!! there is no way he will get away from whatever he is doing...HA!

Ill give it a shot and report back...

03-31-2004, 05:49 AM
[How long do boys take to get that whole winky thing figured out...I mean how long will he be sitting like a girl?? Or should he not sit like a girl?? AAACCKK totally confusing...]
Okay, I'm no expert, but I'm guessing you could just have him stand up. That will mean you'll be wiping up pee, since there are always aiming issues, but I swear I remember reading about babies who were pretty young standing to pee. I just hold DS over the toilet right now, but I think I'll try to have him stand up when he's standing more steadily. If I remember, I can post again in a few months when he's not so wobbly standing up.