View Full Version : tykie diapers...how do they fit?

10-19-2004, 01:16 AM
All we have are fuzzi bunz style and fit of diapers...how are the tykie diapers fit wise? I love the one holiday one but dont want to get it if its gonna be huge diaper butt.....and really I have more then I need (well should once they come!)....maybe Ill just have to head to the swap pretty soon. Sigh...you had to post that site Becca!

10-19-2004, 09:06 AM
I would say they are in the middle range for trimness. I have a Medium and a Large for Gabrielle. Both fit very well. She is 21lbs and about 30 inches tall. She has a thin waist and what we like to call *athletic* thighs. Not super chunky but, with a little meat for sure. The Mediums have a lower rise and are a trimmer fit but the larges fit well too. I don't think I would consider them to be a huge diaper butt in the tykies but, a little extra padding is apparent, IYKWIM.

10-20-2004, 07:20 PM
I really love Tykies, I think they are great fitting side snap dipes. I also love that they are generally available, without all that hyena crap you have to go through for Fluffymail or Righteous baby dipes. On my guy, they fit as well as either of those brands. We are moving from Med to Large, because of chunkos thighs, which are gigantic, but the Medium is a nice trim fit. Haven't washed the three larges I just got yet. Oh, and Ann has great CS, too! Then there is always the cute quilting on the soakers. My Harry Potter dipe has a broomstick, and stars...

10-21-2004, 02:54 AM
Im jealous you got a Harry Potter dipe! Alas, I think I have to pass on the diaper...my stash is fuller then I thought and since money is now tight I cant see spending more money just for fun. Im going to save it for a cute birthday dipe instead....gotta find a design first Yikes!