View Full Version : What's the best way to prep my new UBCPFs?

03-21-2005, 09:40 PM
Just got my fluff mail and was wondering what is the best way to prep my unbleached chinese prefolds. I currently us All Free and Clear but I have read that it's not good for diapers. What type of detergent should I get, price is a consideration. We don't have very hard water but not too soft either. How about boiling them on the stove? I understand that saves a few washes. Thanks in advance for the info. :)
EDD 4/20/05

03-22-2005, 12:09 AM
I highly recomended boiling UBPFs. I had washed the last new UBPFs I ordered maybe 4-5 times with my regular diaper laundry and they still weren't very absorbant. I boiled them once, followed by a wash with the other diapers, and they were "broken in". I wish I had boiled them sooner, I bet it would have saved me a ton of washes!

I use Cheer Free and Gentle and have been very happy with it. In fact, it was recomended to me by a rep at Mother of Eden, the company that makes Fuzzi Bunz. I have never heard anyone say anything negitive about using Cheer Free to wash their dipes. I bought mine at Target, but I bet you could get it at Costco or BJ's too. You probably won't be using much detergent per load either, so you won't be buying detergent as often as you might think.

HTH! Let us know if you have any more questions!