View Full Version : Icky poop question

04-11-2005, 12:33 PM
I wash every other day, have a dry pail and use a mini-shower to rinse away the poo. Most of the time the actual diaper comes clean, but what about the binding area? DS has now graced with poop a couple of his size medium FuzziBunz...the fleece comes clean just perfectly, but in the binding around the legs you can see the icky BF color staining. I've tried sunning, but that won't work well because it's so "lumpy". We also have this problem with the binding around prorap covers in a few places.

I do have Zout and tried spraying those areas with little help. I've thought of taking a tooth brush and gently massaging Zout into those spots. Any other suggestions?

Luckily, DS hasn't leaked out yet, getting mighty close though!!!

04-12-2005, 06:46 AM
Hmm...I think before putting my diapers in the pail, I used to rub those binding areas under running water until they were mostly clean. And then if they weren't I'd spray stain remover on them before putting them in the pail. You could try using a tooth brush to gently massage the Zout into those areas as well, but I never did. The trick is to get the stain remover into those areas as quickly as you can.

As for sunning them out, the best sun is outside sun and you might want to leave them out all day. I know that's problematic in some areas of the country right now (including ours!), but that may help get rid of the old stains.

I didn't use the FBs until I started her on solids, so I never had this problem with the FBs, but I did have them with her proraps. But since proraps are so cheap, I mostly didn't worry about it. :)


Mother of Beautiful Kaya, www.chemicalgraphics.com/kaya

http://www.gynosaur.com/assets/ribbons/ribbon_gold_12m.gif , 13 months & counting
Kaya's cousin, due October 9th!!!