View Full Version : How can I convince Brig he's not going to be flushed down the drain?

04-13-2005, 12:49 AM
Lol, I'm actually pretty serious here. Brig has been telling me when he's peeing lately and he's constipated so he always knows when it's time to "go." So of course I'd like to at least begin potty training since he's showing a few signs of readiness. Our major obstacle right now is that he told me he thinks he's going to go down the drain. I nearly cried. The poor little guy...
I know this stage can't last too long- but any ideas for helping him get over his fear. We have an insert for the top of the potty, but he is scared. Is it worth it to get a potty chair to get the ball rolling? I don't mind cleaning it out...after all I already shake/rinse/scrape his dipes. It can't be much worse than that!

04-13-2005, 01:13 AM
I would definitly suggest getting a chair for him. Not only will it show him he wont get flushed, but it will be just his height and really help his independence. Miss Moose was afraid of the big toilet only because she was afraid of falling in, especially since it happened once...brrrr! Not only was it cold but it scared her to death. She did great because she could just pull down her pants and go herself, without having to have help getting up on the potty etc. Cant hurt to try!

04-13-2005, 01:34 AM
I've got Nathan coming with me to flush his poops after I dump them in, and he helps with the flushing and waves "bye-bye." We've also flushed wads of TP down the drain, and he's been there many, many times when DH, MIL, or I have used the loo, and he helps us flush then, too. The plan is to get him used to what the toilet is for, and used to everything it's about. I also sit him on it on the insert seat thing (it has handles - does yours?), and flush while he sits there.

I don't know it this will make potty-training better or not, but he doesn't seem afraid of it so far...

HTH :)

ETC: spelling

04-13-2005, 01:44 AM
Lol, I don't think I've been alone in the bathroom for 2 years! Funny, I thought it was just that- Brig seeing things being flushed that got him scared in the first place!

04-13-2005, 02:54 AM
Have you seen the episode of Mr. Roger's where they sing in the bathroom, "You can never go down, you can never go down, you can never go down the drain"? There's more, but I don't know it - maybe make something up just for Brig?

04-13-2005, 03:47 AM
At this point if you want Brig to go potty you have no choice but buy him a potty chair. The poor guy is sincerely scared of being flushed. We are going through a similar stage with a bathtub and everything I've read on the subject says not to push DC any further, it'll only make thinks worse. Maybe something you can later use for outings so it's not a complete waste of money? Baby Bjorn little potty is only $10 but it might be too small for your guy.

Personally, I find potty chair easier on me than the toilet, probably because we don't have an insert. We also wave bye-bye to whatever is flushed. And TP is always a big hit. Good luck with PL.

04-13-2005, 06:40 AM
I haven't seen this! But Brig loves Mr. Rogers! I'll have to search it out on video.