View Full Version : Five poopy diapers a day!?? What's up with that?

05-11-2005, 02:21 PM
Not that I don't LOVE changing poopy diapers, but she went from a solid (no pun intended) once or twice to five a day lately...for the past week or so it's been like this.

It's a little soft, but not too soft; doesn't seem problematic to me. But why the sudden increase? We switched to oatmeal for breakfast (from yogurt) - would that make this much of a difference? Or from breast milk to goat milk?

Sheesh. I need the rest of my dipes to arrive!!! LOL


05-11-2005, 03:27 PM
Could be the goat milk. Dairy intolerances tend to show up in poop.

Mama to Gracie (Sept '03)
and a BOY! (coming July '05)

05-11-2005, 03:39 PM
DS poops more if he has been climbing. Has she been more active?

05-11-2005, 03:43 PM
Breastmilk is very efficient and almost all of it is absorbed and used by the body. That is why babies on breastmilk poop less than babies on other things. It is probably the goats milk. More of it is passing through her as waste than the breastmilk did.

Hopefully it will settle down into something less than 5 times a day though.

05-11-2005, 04:36 PM
Karen - LOL - at $5 a quart, that's a crying shame, I tell ya...

Thanks for the info - I guess that's it. This is the first week that most of her bottles have been all goat's milk.

I don't think she's sensitive to it - no other symptoms (unlike cow's milk.)

She's almost running now, so I guess that's more active, and sher's also drinking more water.

Thanks all...I was startingto think she just REALLY likes all her new diapers, LOL. Hopefully it settles down soon. :)


05-11-2005, 04:43 PM
If it helps, the poopy diapers might settle into a pattern in a few weeks. At first, DS had 2 poopy dipes a week, then after we introed solids he had 6 poopy dipes a day, that went down (thank goodness!) to 3 a day until he weaned from breastmilk, and then he went to 2 a day.

Now it all appears to be food dependent...some days nothing, some days 3-4 poopy dipes...