View Full Version : I think dd prefers disposables...

06-14-2005, 04:40 PM
She never fights or whines when we're putting disposables on her, but the minute she feels cloth coming up around her, she starts fighting. What could be up with that?? It doesn't seem to matter which cloth it is...I'm confused.

Jude, who is considering just going back to disposables altogether, between the rashes and the fighting diaper changes...:(

06-14-2005, 06:50 PM
If you go back and forth between types of diapers (sposies and cloth) it may take her awhile to get accustomed to the cloth. We took a cloth hiatus recently and when I switched back it was a nightmare! I wasn't even sure we'd be able to do cloth anymore! But after a few days and distraction he was completely fine. So if you really want to stay with cloth, you may have to avoid sposies completely.

Anyone else have any ideas?

06-14-2005, 06:55 PM
It's not an issue of being used to them. We've been doing cloth for 10 months, except at night. We took two days "off" because all hell was breaking loose in my house, and dd's fighting diaper changes wasn't helping. Suprisingly, she didn't fight the disposables at all - but the second I put a cloth on her she fought me again.

Thanks for the response!