View Full Version : Thank you for infant CDing help!

08-29-2005, 06:03 PM
A very belated thank you for all the helpful advice and suggestions. A couple days after my "plea for help" Flora had to be hospitalized for a fever (it turned out to be a virus...not a kidney infection as they feared) and after a week in the hospital...I am just finally getting back to my CD research. Currently, we are going through 15 sposies a day...she is still a pee/poop machine! Crazy waste...and expense!

I had to laugh about ordering more prefolds from granitesmith...I have 2 dozen preemies and 2 dozen infants sitting unwashed (actually not even out of the USPS envelope) in my laundry room. I guess I just need to suck it up and order some premiums. First, I have to get over my prefold/snappi fear. I just wish she was big enough to put into some sort of pocket dipe or maybe I need to get some prefitteds...hmmm.

Also, thanks for asking...Ava was a rooster and she is currently an amazing big sister (I am so proud of her). She just loves her little baby even though she is a bit of a screamer (still won't tolerate my slings). Thank goodness she is daytime potty trained because her large snap-ez and Baby Blankets were starting to leave red welts on her thighs...no wonder she was so easy to train...her diapers were hurting her:). Again...mother of the year!

08-29-2005, 07:38 PM
Prefolds really aren't so bad, especially if you're able to start before they start becoming super wiggly! But yes, you can always have your prefolds converted to prefitted, or if you're feeling adventurous with 2 kiddos (lol), you can try it yourself. Shandelle posted some very good instructions for making them.

Ava sounds like she's really enjoying the role of big sister! That's kudos to you. :)

Hope you figure out something that works for you!


http://www.mothering.com/discussions/images/smilies/candle.gif for Leah

http://www.gynosaur.com/assets/ribbons/ribbon_emerald_18m.gif , 18 months & counting
