View Full Version : diaper help

09-21-2005, 03:58 PM
My 4 month old has been in diapers since birth. she has an ongoing yeast infection which her Doctor says is worsened by her diapers. We are considering going to cloth diapers but I was concerned that they would be less obsorbant and perhaps more irritable. What could you recomend in cloth diapers that might help most or is the disposable my best option?

09-22-2005, 02:00 PM
I think it's likely that your DD's yeast issue is worsened by being in disposables.

As far as cloth being better for it - well, it might and it might not. Yeast thrives in a warm, damp, dark environment, which is obviously what the disposable diaper is providing. If you're changing her diapers only when they feel wet, chances are they've been wet for a long, long time, giving the yeast lots of time to grow undisturbed. Cloth is breathable (provided you use a breathable cover), so that will help solve the problem. Also, switching to cloth will help in that your DD will fuss when they feel wet, which is tons sooner than she would feel wet in a sposie.

What kind of absorbency are you looking for? If it's pee and poop leaking out as soon as they are expelled by your DD, when you find the right system for you, cloth is great. If, however, you want the diaper to be able to stay on the baby for hours and hours, cloth doesn't do that.

As far as specific brands go, I use pockets and AIOs mostly, so don't know much about the more breathable options. I do have a bunch of Motherease One-size CDs, and a few Sugarpeas that I really love. Both would probably be good options for you if you don't want to go with pre-folds, which I know nothing about.

HTH, and good luck!