View Full Version : Naked potty training help!

08-04-2006, 11:19 AM
On Wednesday we started the naked method and it went astonishingly well. I didnt even have to set the timer- he just went pee pee and poo poo whenever he felt the urge. It was amazing!

In late afternoon of day 2, I had to go to the store- so I put him in loose shorts. When we got home he peed in them. Day 3, I put him in big boy underwear- and he both pooped and peed in them. When he peed, he took them off and handed them to me, saying "I will just go naked."

I will also add that after naps and waking up in the morning, when I take off his diaper, he has a tantrum about wanting another diaper on- but once I distract him, he is fine.

So how do you transition from be able to go when you are naked and have a potty 2 feet away, to functioning in the real world with clothes and underwear? I guess I didnt give the naked portion enough time? help!

08-04-2006, 11:45 AM
Keep up the naked for a few more weeks, he'll 'get it' eventually (my ds was like that...he had finally gotten really good when we were at grandma's, and was *almost* all the way, but then, bam, we moved back home where naked was harder to do, and he regressed almost completely).
Helping to change his own wet pants a time or two can help them get it faster, too, so don't shy away from helping him get his wet pants to the wash and dry pants from the drawer.

Good luck, sounds like things are going well for you :)
Julie CPS Tech and mom to 3 in seats

08-04-2006, 01:29 PM
We were naked for at least 8 full days straight. The next week we only used shorts when we went out and ONLY went out following a pee. Try naked a little longer he'll get it