View Full Version : you think you love Snap-ez now...

08-14-2006, 01:14 PM
well wait till you see these!! i no longer CD, but just seeing ruth's new creations makes me want to order a dipe just for the H3LL of it!!


08-14-2006, 02:24 PM
Wow, very cool! I would love one of these for my next baby, but I don't think I can justify more $$ for these diapers since I'm essentially stocked up and ready to go. Anything I get extra will mostly be for fun, though, so this would certainly fit the bill. :P


http://www.windsorpeak.com/dc/user_files/33734.gif 29 months...
http://www.windsorpeak.com/dc/user_files/33732.gif for Leah

08-14-2006, 08:03 PM
OMG! OK, I'm seriously drooling. DH will kill me if I buy another dipe but oh my... I really like the pink lace (second from bottom)... and that aqua rouched one... ok, need to stop now!

08-14-2006, 08:58 PM
glad i have a boy. i wouldn't put any of those on him (unless i really wanted some good blackmail shots.)

08-14-2006, 10:14 PM
That's what I was thinking too. The boys always get the short end of the stick!

08-14-2006, 11:15 PM
Those are crazy cute! I love the crocheted looking one.

08-16-2006, 06:18 AM
Oh my gosh, those are SO adorable. I love them all but especially the crocheted looking one and the one with layers of lace. To bad I don't need any more diapers right now. :(

08-17-2006, 10:33 PM
Yes, but in the end we save some money. I think we'd be bankrupt if we had a girl ;)

http://lilypie.com/pic/060427/fDdc.jpg http://b2.lilypie.com/qW3mm7.png