View Full Version : OMG... avi went #2 in his potty

Aunt to sweet baby boy
10-12-2006, 01:15 AM
Yesterday night was very exciting. Avi has a "potty book" that makes flushing noises when you push the button. He sits on the potty before bath time every day. i was sitting with him and he was "reading" and i asked him if he was ready to take a bath. He said "no, poopoo" so i said ok. after a few minutes he wanted to get up so i told him that he had to put his diaper on while we went to get the bath ready. He sat back down and went poop. It was VERY loose, he has been having alot of loose poops recently which probably helped it come out so easily IYKWIM? What should we do now? Avi is in daycare from 9-5 every day and the lady who watches him thinks that he is not yet ready to wear underwear but he is starting to tell us when he has a poop or when he needs to go. Any suggestions? Is it better to go cold turkey and put him into underwear and just change accidents for a few days or to wait until he has some more successful times on the toilet and is a little bit older?


Ilana, aka Nana to my sweet nephew Avi


10-12-2006, 07:25 AM
<Hi Five> Avi!!!!!

That's so awesome!!!!

I think I'd let him go 'nakey butt' when at home (yes, there will be accidents, yes, get some good carpet cleaner ;)).

She won't say he's not ready in a few days or weeks when he starts telling her he needs to go, that's for sure :D.
Julie CPS Tech and mom to 3 in seats

Aunt to sweet baby boy
10-12-2006, 02:37 PM
My worry about "nakey" time is that avi would love just having the ability to aim his "thing" and go when he wanted. Is the point of not wearing pants to keep the potty right near him and put him on when he starts to go or is it so that he can recognize when he needs to go and tell us?

UGH... i wish this was the only thing that we dont like about his daycare...

Ilana, aka Nana to my sweet nephew Avi


10-12-2006, 03:45 PM
He'll get *instant* feedback when he's going... he really does want to go in the potty, and he knows he's going, but the extra little oomph of not having anything to cover it up will help a lot. Some kids will put on pants and it just feels like a diaper, so they just get confused and go. DO keep the potty by him, and DO get really excited when he uses it. You don't have to scold him for missing it, he'll be ashamed and want to go in the potty all by himself (he can help clean it up if he actually has fun peeing his name in the carpet, too, that'll make it get old really fast!)

Julie CPS Tech and mom to 3 in seats