View Full Version : Is it possible/advisable to poo PT before pee PT?

07-30-2007, 07:22 PM
For the past 3 days, DS has yelled, "EEWWW!" and run and brought me a diaper, laid down on the changing blanket on the floor, and waited for me to change his dirty diaper. He has one dirty diaper a day between 9:00 and 10:00 (so nice to be regular!) However, he could go hours in a wet diaper and not blink an eye. Should I consider PTing now, when he's just having issues with dirty diapers? How would I go about doing that?

08-02-2007, 10:10 PM
While it's probably more common to Pee PT before Poo PT (to use your terms, lol), my mom said that my siblings and I were all PT'd for poop before pee, because we didn't like the feel of it--I think she had us PT'd for poop before we were a year old (according to her). If you know when he's going to poop, it wouldn't hurt to try putting him on the potty during those times and see if he does it. In any case, he's of the age that if you want to get him a potty to "play" with (that is get used to it) you can try it and just see how it goes.

Good luck!





08-04-2007, 11:09 AM
Though I wasn't specifically trying to do it this way, Littleman potty trained for poop long before getting the hang of things with pee. I think he was starting to dislike the poopy pants sensation, and I know he HATED having to get all cleaned up. After pooping in the potty a couple times, he figured out that his butt doesn't get as messy and clean up is much easier. I think that's what did it for him.

Pee took a lot longer- he was usually just too busy to stop and go potty, so he had (still has, sometimes) accidents. But getting him to poop in the potty was a relatively simple transition. (thank goodness).

I'd say, give it a shot- low pressure, just introducing the idea, and not really expecting him to actually figure it out yet. At the very least it will help him get familiar with the concept, and who knows? Maybe he'll surprise you and start pooping in the potty before long!

08-05-2007, 07:52 PM
DD (now 18 mo) has been pooping in the potty since she was 6 months old (EC), but has been about 1/2 and 1/2 for peeing. When she's running around without a diaper, she'll pee in the potty. When she has a diaper on, she doesn't seem to mind peeing in it.

Give it a shot. Low pressure and see what happens.

08-25-2007, 09:21 PM
My 14 month old has been pooping in the potty for about 3 weeks now. I usually put her on after meals as I heard that is the time when their rectum muscles get active. I read a book with her and usually by the second or third page, she'll start trying to poop if she has to. She likes this MUCH better than getting cleaned up after her poopy diaper. She's not very verbal (at least that I can understandt), but I am beginning to notice that she'll try to get my attention when she has to go. I probably shoulc figure out some sign language.

She has had about 4 accidents since we started, all at night after a long day out where I did not sit her on the potty or on Sunday when I did not have her potty to put her on after we ate. Usually has one bowl movement a day, and sometimes pees 2-3 times a day. I don't see why not if he seems to want to. It most certainly is easier on you and their little bum.