View Full Version : Help with PT timing...

09-05-2007, 07:39 AM
DS turned 3 yesterday, starts school next week (no need to be pt'd but most will be) and new baby arrives in a month.

Do we start now and just expect it to take forever what with baby coming and DS being displaced as the baby of the family to the middle child?
Do we put it off for several months?

He has NO interest. Got him a potty and he loves carrying it around but refuses to even sit on it. It is going to be a major motivation push when we do do the real PTing- sticker chart, rewards etc. I am just worried about my own energy level and motivation. Not that I love changing his diaper, but it is contained and easy. He hates having his diaper changed but hasnt yet connected that if he uses hte potty, no more diapers.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I am kind of at a loss on the timing and strategy.

HHCs Mom
09-08-2007, 07:52 PM
DS1 woke on his 3rd birthday (April) and told me he didn't want to wear diapers anymore. I was 34 weeks pregnant and had no energy to work on it then. We tried for a week and then it wasn't working so we stopped and went back to diapers. Fast forward to 4th of July when DS2 was about 6 weeks old. *I* decided that we were done with diapers since I knew DS1 could use the potty if encouraged. Took away the diapers and did the whole thing -- rewards, stickers, praise, etc. I truly believe that the praise he got was his motivator. He had not been getting as much attention since the baby was born and the praise and attention he got was HUGE for him. "I'm SO proud of you! You are doing a great job using the potty!" The kid would grin from ear to ear and I'd give him a big hug. This was every time he used the potty. He absolutely ATE UP the praise and attention! And you think you won't have the energy with the new baby but honestly, we were at home SO much that it was just fine. The baby is sleeping so much at first that we were just here and worked on it and it went wonderfully. Five accidents the first day and I was so frustrated but we kept at it and he hasn't had an accident since the first week he was PT'd!!! (knock on wood! :P) I'd wait until a month or two after the baby and when you're feeling up to tackling this little project. Your DS will eat up the attention, especially if he's becoming the middle child and will no longer be the baby.


~ mama to a sweet boy named Harrison ~ April 2004
...and Davis ~ born May 2007!

09-10-2007, 06:24 AM
That is great news! And a very good point about the attention.
We are going to start trying this week as school suggested for this sweet but stubborn boy that we just tell him he has to wear underwear at school. So far he is ok with the idea and they are willing to deal with the mess.

I agree that I prob will actually have more energy several weeks after the baby is born so that might be a good time to work on the pt'ing at home, depending on how it goes at school.

Your comments about the praise and attention are so key. I think he will be pretty psyched to have something special by then.

Thanks so much for your advice!