View Full Version : Little Girls Wiping Themselves (not well)

10-08-2007, 09:43 PM
Many times already, my pre-school and Kindergarten aged girls get red and irritated at some point after not wiping themselves dry enough after potty (of course, they're really on their own at this point through the day, and at school, etc).

What products or remedies can someone offer to help soothe that area. We've just relied on the baking soda baths as needed, but curious what others may do. Or is there really no good alternative at this point.

10-10-2007, 12:38 PM
I try to stay ahead of the rash by continuing to use our trusty Butt Paste before bedtime. If I apply it a couple of times a week it has been preventing the problem.

10-18-2007, 06:46 AM
Bathing daily and emphasizing wiping poops first and front to back over and over and over again.
That was us earlier in the year, but things have really improved.
I also try to get her to wash her hands before using the potty as they are often filthy from the playground or whatever and that may not help the situation either.
