View Full Version : I wanna wake up the baby to try my new pouch

10-21-2004, 04:01 PM
So I got my new mammas milk pouch today, and I swear I wanna wake up my colicy 7wk old ds to try this puppy out, it looks sooo good really well made, great fabric good weight for warmer weather climates, arrgh if he likes it 1/2 as much as I do, i'll be a sling addict too. Which after my frustration w/ the ring sling-its too exctiting. I just could not figure out the tightening,even w/ Darians fabulous videos I was still sling challenged. Maybe when we get good w/ the pouch I'll graduate to the ring. (or just sell it for more pouches!)

10-21-2004, 10:58 PM
Did you get the adjustable one? I just got mine a week or two ago, and it's gorgeous. I just don't have a DS to try it out with yet! He won't make an appearance for another 8 weeks (I hope). I hope yours likes it as much as you do! :)