View Full Version : How often do you wear your baby?

07-25-2005, 07:54 AM
DH and I are going back and forth about carrying/holding our 8 week old. I hold him or wear him much of the time and DH thinks it's just fine to put him in his swing and leave him there for hours. He thinks that I'll regret holding him all the time when he's older. I'm not in that same line of thinking though. I'm not necessarilly into attachment parenting (at least not consciously anyway) but I like having him close to me and he is more content when he's close to one of us. I'm also trying to get him to BF (all of you know my dilemma with that too I'm sure) and babywearing seems to work for many people. He doesn't seem to be "codependant" or anything. He can and does sleep by himself sometimes (he's sleeping in his swing right now) and seems content to sit and look out the window for a while. So he's still "independant" to some degree...for an 8 week old anyway. Am I crazy for wanting to wear him most of the time?

07-25-2005, 09:03 AM
You are not crazy and you will not spoil him.

Babies need the closeness and warmth of their mommies and daddies! Wearing him next to you in a sling is the best way to honor those needs.

Keep wearing him! There will be a day when he just wants to get down and run, believe me!!

~ deb
DS born at home 12/03


07-25-2005, 10:34 AM
I wore DD for most of the day until she was close to 4 months old- this included a lot of her naps. I would have worn DS if I'd known about slings. I didn't get mine until he was 7-8 months old.

DS is not spoiled. A handful at times, perhaps, but not spoiled. ;) I don't think DD is/will be either. With DS I held him a lot, but always had the nagging worry in the back of my mind that I might spoil him. It didn't happen at all and in hindsight, I was so glad that I'd held him a lot.

I'm not particularly into AP either, but I really don't think there's anything wrong with wanting/needing to hold your baby all the time.

07-25-2005, 04:36 PM
My son did not leave my arms or my DH's for his first four months of life, except for car trips. Seriously. He slept using my arm as a pillow. We held him constantly. If we didn't, he cried. If he was held, he was a chipper happy guy. That includes all the hours he spent in slings and carriers. Now, he's 16 months old, and runs around like a fiend. Not clingy at all. Loves all people, no stranger anxiety.

You can't spoil a baby, if you want to hold him, hold him!

If babies were meant to be independent, they'd be born able to make their own sandwiches and use the bathroom.

07-25-2005, 10:40 PM
Oh my goodness--trust me, you will NOT regret one minute of holding your infant child!! I miss those days so much! My almost 20 month old only wants to be held when SHE is in the mood--and only in the positions that SHE likes best. No longer does she like to be cradled and snuggled like a baby.

I definitely don't regret one single minute of snuggling her close when she was young. Enjoy it, cherish it, and revel in it, that's what I say! :)

07-26-2005, 10:19 PM

I pretty much just copied those from the Babywearing 101 thread! You are NOT crazy for wanting to wear him. Maybe if you show your DH some of the articles above, he'll understand and (gasp) maybe even participate. My 19 month old DD is so independent, she's too busy to give us a hug! Regardless of AP or non-AP, enjoy the moment while you can!!!