View Full Version : Need New Carrying Position Ideas

01-09-2007, 01:50 PM
My ds is not loving our carriers these days. I have a KKAFP and a Mei tai, and baby carrying is a necessity in our lives so I need to figure this one out quickly.

I have been putting him in the cradle position in the pouch, but with the added bulk of winter clothing he just doesn't seem comfortable anymore and it is getting harder to get him into position. He doesn't like the front carry either - I think he is still too smushed. In the mei tai, he just seems so scrunched up. I am hoping that I can free his legs, but I think he might be too small yet.

I also have a cotton hotsling - but that one isn't really the problem because I use it mostly inside (so he doesn't have his winter gear on).

Any ideas??

01-09-2007, 05:50 PM
I didn't make any of this up, I just stole from TBW. You have to log in to access info, but it's no biggie (very easy, and there's so much great info it's worth it ;))

OK, for mei tai ideas:

For the pouches, what about a tummy-to-tummy carry? So then, you could probably have legs out, and still be pretty secure. The best way I can explain a T2T is to basically to a hip carry, only on your front (although I'm sure you can find *actual* instructions elsewhere).

I'll add more later,.