View Full Version : Formula problem...

07-02-2004, 07:42 AM
Hi out there...

I hope someone can help me (a new, neurotic mom) with this potential problem: I think my breast milk is drying up; well, at least it is greatly decreasing; where I would pump 100-160cc I am now down to maybe 1/2 that amount each time I pump (pumping 3-4 times/day alternating w/baby breastfeeding). So here is the 2-part problem/question:

1) Suggestions for increasing/maintaining breastmilk?
2) Formula suggestions if needed to supplement?

Oh, and here is the 2nd issue: the 2 times I supplemented baby Maddy with formula she spit it alllllllll up; she was preemie: 35 wks and the hospital sent me home w/Enfacare w/Lipil, milk-based, 22cal formula...I guess she doesn't like it?! Obviously I am going to consult my pediatrician but I was wondering what suggestions/advice anyone might have...

...much appreciated!

Maddy's mom Mandy

07-04-2004, 01:00 AM
Have you seen a lactation consultant? They can be so helpful.

The books I read about breastfeeding both said that frequent nursing was the best way to increase milk supply. Especially during the hours between 1am - 6am. Prolactin levels are highest at this time.

Phoebe, mom to Susan 3, and David 1

07-04-2004, 10:58 PM
I had a problem with my mild supply when my son was 9 mo old. The lactation consultant said to pump after each feeding, even if you don't get any milk. Also I took mothers milk tea which I thought helped. The other thing to remember is the amount you get pumping after a feeding will decrease as your body adjusts to the amount your child needs. Best of luck, I know it will work out fine.

07-22-2004, 01:16 AM
If frequent nursing isn't helping with your milk supply issue, then try Mother's Milk tea and Fenugreek Seed vitamins. These both help increase milk supply. You need to drink the tea and take the vitamins for a couple days before you will see an increase in your milk supply.

Are you wearing tight fitting nursing bras or sports bras? Are you sleeping on your stomach? All these things contribute to a decrease in milk supply because the glands that produce milk get suppressed.

I would check with your pediatrician about the formula problem. Maddy may just like breastmilk better and is spitting up the formula as a form of protest. I know several people this has happened to (no medical issues).

08-20-2004, 09:37 PM
Hi, I am a new mom as well. I have to pump full time because my baby would NOT latch on. My breastfeeding consultant gave me a suggestion: When you have an hour or so pump for ten minutes then rest for ten minutes then pump for ten minutes again - do this for an hour, it is supossed to increase the milk supply. I have tons of milk. I pump regularly - at least 5-6 times a day. I hope this helps.

08-20-2004, 10:37 PM

I have had problems with my supply twice since my son was born. The lactation specialist told me to try to feed the baby more frequently, eat more proteins, drink more fluids and get a little more rest. She said pumping after feedings a couple times a day may help. She also said not to make myself nuts doing it, as it could stress me out to see the little bit I was getting and that could make the situation worse. We got through it both times and got my supply back up.
Hope this helps.