View Full Version : 8 week old only sleeps in someone's arms- Please HELP

09-04-2007, 05:18 PM
DS will only sleep for about 20 minutes in the bassinet, pack n play or swing before waking up and crying hysterically. Once you pick him up, he immediately falls asleep in our arms. This is quite a differenct from our daughter, who at this age was sleep 7-8 hour stretches at night.
He had a checkup today and they said he had sensitivity to cow's protein so I am in the process of cutting all dairy but can this cause his sleeplessness? We just don't know what to do-we try swaddling and everything else but being in are arms is the only thing that keeps him asleep!

09-10-2007, 11:43 AM
I was always too nervous to try it but my friends have done it and moms on the boards too...put baby to sleep on their tummy. Make sure the crib is totally free of stuff (positioners, blankets, toys...). You can also see if you can get one of those motion pad monitors.

Another thing to try would be probiotics. There was a study cited in one of the parenting mags this summer that say it has great success for treating colic. It may be something worth trying. They are good for everyone's digestive systems at any rate. :)

I hope it gets better!


09-11-2007, 09:55 PM
That is tough.

I have 2 suggestions.

(1) try a really good, tight swaddle (the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD shows how to do a good one, you can probably find it at the library). I know my second two were much better sleepers than first and I attribute it to learning the HBOB swaddle. (Why they don't teach that to parents at the hospital, I will never know.)

(2) try putting him down in his car seat. Ours slept in the car seat for the first month or two. Some babies like enclosed areas, reminds them of the womb. If that doesn't work, put him in a swing or a bouncy chair. Sometimes motion and vibrations help.

Good luck!

09-11-2007, 09:55 PM
duplicate post. Oops.