View Full Version : Do you vaccinate?

02-04-2007, 10:57 AM
We have stopped vaccination for several reasons I was wondering what other momma's were doing. This poll isnt for a debate but simply what do you do for your family. I would love to know your reasons ( but not to judge others for their reasons)

02-05-2007, 08:07 AM
With my twins I did selective. They each got 2 doses of 2 vax. after the seond dose, both had reactions that landed them in the hospital......one with brain surgery.

We also have a famly history of reactions. My brother died the day after his vax, my sister got strange seizures, I had a reaction that resulted in eye surgery (vax given 6 years ago)

My youngest has never been & will never be vax'd.

The risk is nowhere near the benefit in my family.

07-27-2007, 05:47 PM
I do vaccinate my baby on schedule, he is eight months now and he has never had any problem with any of his vaccines, I do it because I think the benefits are stronger than the risk, I've seen people infected with polio as kids and with brain damage because of some virus they could have been vaccinated against and I personally don't even want my baby to be at risk of getting any of this infections.

I also understand every person and baby is different and there are times when families get reactions to vaccines, thank god nobody in my family or in my family history has had any reaction at them.

And my final reason to do it is that vaccines are the only way to really eliminate those terrible deceases, there is a reason my baby was born in a time when we have acces to so many ways to prevent so many things that can happen, contrary to those years when so many babies used to die from things that are today totally preventable.