View Full Version : Is "blood test" really needed at 12 months?

07-26-2007, 05:12 PM
I just went to my daughter's 12 month check-up and was told that NJ (we just moved here) strongly suggests that 1 yr olds get tested for a battery of things. I simply need to take my dd to a nearby testing center and get her blood withdrawn.
My daughter unfortunately had to get her blood drawn when she was 2 months old b/c of a high fever and the whole experience was heart-breaking. I am hesitant to have her endure the fright but at the same time, I don't want my fears to get in the way of her health. Alas! I'm at a loss, and I know there's a lot more ahead.

What have you done? What do you suggest?

07-27-2007, 08:08 AM
Mine were tested at 9 mos for lead, iron level and since they were doing a blood draw anyway they did a bunch more (I don't remember exactly what, just routine stuff). I don't know if the rest of the tests are really needed, but since we were doing the lead test it was not a big deal to add that on.

IME, a blood draw at 9 mos was no big deal, I held them on my lap and it was done in less than 30 seconds. I think smaller babies are harder to get blood from, so that may be why it was so hard at 2 mos.

If you decide to do it, ask for someone that is good with babies. Make sure that you get to hold her. Just keep her on your lap until just before they do the poke. Then hold her tight like a big hug. Take a bandaid with bright colored characters on it to use after (in case they only have plain ones) and make a big deal about her new 'sticker'. I always tell them they will feel a little 'owie' and then they will get a sticker. I think it helps to be honest with them - don't say it won't hurt at all.

07-27-2007, 09:29 PM
Thanks so much for sharing! I'm really leaning towards getting the blood drawn.

07-28-2007, 09:52 PM
I agree, when they're older it's easier. Def make sure you can hold her and talk to her while it's happening. The skill of the tech with kids is important. We had 2 in quick succession, and the 2nd was sooo much better. I talked to him the whole time and the tech said, "keep talking, he's listening to you". I think it will be fine this time.